Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Holding on to someone because you don’t want them to move forward, to grow, holding on because you want to remain the same, you don’t want to have to do anything… holding on because you are trying to keep someone in the same life as you, are all selfish, all about them not leaving you… And that is not a relationship! That is not love.

Love is a feeling and not what makes a relationship. Being with someone should better the other, should cause positive growth, as a couple as an individual. How does someone get to the pint in a relationship that they don’t care about the future of it, or the one they are with? I don’t understand how people can say I Love you, and then scream at each other, manipulate each other, and hurt each other. How is that love? How does saying I love you fix that? Isn’t love making EVERY choice about the other person? About how it effects and will affect the other person? And shouldn’t the end result be growth and happiness… not tolerance and lost dreams?

Two people can be together; doing nothing that betters the other. They can be in control of their little lives, and not each other… They try to hold on each other and instead of helping they drag each other down. They are moving in circles, saying the same old things, having the same old fights, just being there… Living in a constant state of frozen motion.

Relationships do not stay stagnate, they grow or they die. There is no in between. No one stays the same when they are with another human being people are growing, you can grow for the better or not. You become used to the style of life you lead. There is a point when sitting on the couch for days is normal… you lose drive and energy. Life becomes what you can get out of doing, not about what you can achieve. Life is to be lived not viewed. There is an epidemic in the world of laziness, a lack of self-motivation, and a damaging wrongfully given sense of entitlement. “I don’t have to go get a job or do my job well because I’m me, I don’t really need to do that, I have the right to do what I want, when I want, how I want.”

ARGH – I hate it, I hate the people think that being unproductive member of society is the easy way to live… I hate it… I know that I shouldn’t – but it’s draining, economically, socially, and mentally. I don’t like to get in that habit – I know that I’d love to sit around my house have someone else stress about the bills, the meals, of life… but then I’d miss out on so much.

Ahh that is my rant, I’m done now…

Monday, November 5, 2007

Another Day, Another Dollar...

Well not for me.
I'm taking my last Sick day today.
But I'm not sick (I'm actually recovering nicely!)

I am going to see my specialist... We are going to talk options and ways that David and I can get preggers... well more me than David. I am praying that he'll say we are a perfect case for Clomid (a drug that works really well for women with PCOD - That's me). I want him to say we can start the treatment/meds right away... I really want things to work out.

But I'm not in control, but I get this feeling, like it's supposed to be. You know. If I don't believe it - I feel like I think God isn't big enough... but i know he is, so why wouldn't i believe He can work a mini miracle in me, for David.

So I'm ready and willing to accept anything the doctor might say, I'm believing that God will get me through any Bad News, and I'm praying that there won't be any. I am psyching myself up for today... and I hope that it will be positive news, things we can work with.

So if you are the prayin' kind... do me a favor ----- Pray Big!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Whispers of my Heart...

I've been bombarded with my thoughts, and although this may seem quite normal, since we are constantly connected to our minds – unless you’re crazy, and I’m not there, yet… - it’s the constant state of hurt, disappointment, and fear that I’m feeling. I was recovering from a moment of stress, and falling into another…

I was invited to a time of fellowship, and prayer… well more talk then prayer. I drove my dear friend Natasha home, and wow… she asked about me and everything spilled out. All the thoughts, the hurt, the anger, the lost feeling, the hopelessness… just poured. (Side note – it’s hard to drive and cry) We stopped in her Driveway and she prayed, for me, for life, for us… it was a time of lifting.

Three things really hit home – my heart was lifted up

I am walking by faith, not sight and even though waves may come… we are walking… We have the maker’s hand… and we are walking, not sinking, not falling, not dying…

There are obstacles, but that does not mean there is judgment, there isn’t punishment… there can be obstacles, and they are just that, obstacles…

I need to prioritize my life a little more… I need to focus on {God and Me} {David and Me} {My close friends (chosen family) and Me}

So I’m in the right head space again, and my heart is following… and I think I’m actually going to get through this… with help.Thanks Tash!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


I woke up this morning dreading the day, I was nervous and scared.. what If I got news I didn’t want to hear… or worse couldn’t handle… How would I get through the day, the week…

I prayed continuously, that I would be able to accept what ever information I was told, I worked out every possible situation from tears and convulsing heaves, to joyful screams of Amen, and none of it was what I went through…

In fact I didn’t even get a chance for any of it. I spent 2 hours staring at a wall... And at
12:55 I had to reschedule… I needed to get back to work. If I had known that it was going to need to be an all day appointment – I would have worked that out, but I was told an hour, so I booked off an hour and a half, just in case… so after one hour of waiting – I was called into the nurses room and asked personal medical history, and then sent back out to wait… It was almost painful.

12:55 I had to leave, I almost cried, I had waited for this, and nothing. A complete waste of time.

I know most of you are thinking – big whoop, it was just a doctors appointment... ... ... ..

Only it’s a HUGE deal, now because I couldn't get in to see my Dr. I might have to get back on the pills I’m trying desperately to avoid, I might have to rearrange my habits, and put on hold family plans… which may not seem so bad except the longer I wait to try for a family the higher my chances of miscarriage, late pregnancy miscarriage, and even sterility.. So you see.. it is a big deal, a very big deal.. and not just for me – for David – all of this is my fault –and now that I’ve been delayed in this area, I feel like I’m taking a chance from David….

so that was my day… and I wish it would end… Tomorrow can’t come sooner.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

So I thoguht I'd post a poem... new/old

I forgot what it was like
to try so hard
and not be noticed...

I forgot what it was like
to be loved
at every moment...

I forgot what it was like
to speak my mind
when my heart would cry...

I forgot what it was like
to sit alone
and not like who I was with...

I forgot what it was like
to lose a little more of myself
knowing there was no getting it back...

I forgot what it was like
to see something so close
and hate how far it was...

I forgot what it was like
to feel pretty
If I ever really believed it...

I have forgetten
and remembering is harder
harder than I remember...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Last Days ...

Summer is coming to a close, but i'm enjoying my last days.

i'm reading a book -Celebration of Disciplines, by Willard.

it's a good book - and as i read, i'll post my thoughts..

really there isn't a reason for this post, i just wanted to post.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The summer is ending much quicker than I would like...

There is a lot of little things going on, and I love it - because I feel like I'm doing things with my time -even though I haven't really finished the little projects I wanted to.

I attended my first ever Family funeral. Grampie Died on a Tuesday, it was a nice Tuesday, and he died peacefully. It was very interesting, I don't know hat I really had a big cry over the whole thing, but i do know that I felt bad, but not sad... you know... maybe not - it's weird... Meh. I know because he was Saved, I'll see him again, but i still miss him.

on a happier note - David and I finished our dinning room, it's green - much greener than i intended but i think it'll be OK - the downstairs is very - interesting.. I'm not sure how to bring the three rooms together better - but it'll all work out - I'm on a mission.

School is coming up and I'm getting my lessons ready -but i wish i had the teachers book - so i could really get started... it's a good time... though - I'm taking my time.

Time - I wish I had more time for the thing s I really like to do - for the passions I have - Painting - I'm so excited about thing that I can take from my head and put on canvas... I really feel better after I paint, i feel more me...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's been far to long...

Well hello all - those of you who still blog, still check blogs... still care about the blogging world (i know it's been almost a month - who am I to talk...)

I mean don't get me wrong I love FACEBOOK - or Crack book as it has been called, but really there is still a place to share - it's blogs.. and I miss them!!

ok so I'm still writing about NFLD... i'll try to condense it... but i just don't know if that woudl do it justice.

umm I went Camping with my Girls from ABU - and I miss them so much -it was more of a tease...

It was good - we have started on the dinning room - the wall paper o' sunflowers is off - working on patchingit up and priming... then on to painting.

My Grampie McCurdy isn't doing o well - he fell and hit his head - he's bleeding into his brain - and they can't give him an IV (one bad kidney left) and he can't eat - so it's not looking so great - but we all (the fam) knew that this day would come (he's been pretty sick for a while now) and the good news is he is comfortable, and in no pain... and He;s saved so i'll see him again in Heaven.. good times to come!

Well that is a quick glimpse into why i've been a little distracted...

Friday, June 29, 2007


Still working on the NFLD update for now - just an updated 30 before 30 list...

30 before 30
1-Graduate from University (DONE)
2-Find a Job (DONE)
3-Paint a 'hangable' picture
4-Get Married (DONE)
5-Get Driver's Lic. (DONE)
6-Buy a house (DONE)
7-Pay off House
8-Have Kids
9-Pay off Student Loans
10-Read 'War and Peace'
11-Attend a ballet or Opera-one where you have to dress up, the real life kind
12-Knit a Blanket
13-Watch a Cirque performance
14-Get up and go on a Spontanious Road trip
15-Learn to Sew
16-Write a Collection of Poems
17-Have a Proper dinner party - fancy napkins and all
18-Travel over seas
19-Plant a garden (herb or veggie)
20-Hit my ideal weight, and stay there for a while
21-Take a personal vaction and Paint everyday, all day
22-Do Photography as more than a hobbie (Done, Wedding photgrapherat your service)
23-Spend a week on my Grandfather's farm, finding out my roots
24-Buy a new (to me) car (Done)
25-Collect and organize a Photo Archive of my Family
26-Spend an Entire Day at a Spa
27-Buy something from a TV infomercial.
28-Sell, donate, or get rid of all the stuff I have separated into piles to "sell," "donate," or "get rid of."
29-Go yardsale-ing and buy something incredibly hideous and display it in our Spare room Proudly!
30-Be a better Daughter, Sister, Wife, mother(hopefully),in-law, friend, Co-Worker.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Last Days ...

Today was my Last teaching day for the year.

and IF (hopefully WHEN) it rains tomorrow morning - I am FREE

well I have to clean up the class room - but that's easy!!


Friday, June 1, 2007

And the Vacation begins...Almost

Well it's in the Air, the smell, the smell of Freedom.

Everyone is so antsy, unable to focus, everyone is tired, and just wants to be outside. To be out in the fresh air, having fun, to just not be in school... and that's just the teachers.

the kids are WAY WORSER (aha)

Oh I saw Ev'y - had a meal - hugged and left- sorta how our relationship works these days...

What else... what else... oh yeah


Matt and Chera are getting married tomorrow - WOOT WOOT - and then we have to rush to the valley for a 50th anniversay, Gramma and Grammpa Skafte are re newing there vows, also Woot.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hello? Is anyone out there?

It's been a very busy time...

It has been a month since the Blender Party in Moncton and I miss everyone so much -It was a great time - I go to see so many old friends, it has been a very long time,and I hope it will be sooner than later when we can all get together again...

We got our new car (such a gift from God)! It's a corolla again, 2003 and it's pretty. I can't wait to go on a road trip!

I got some fish!! Rick stopped by a week or so ago, and brought 2 betta's for me - I know have class pets. the children named them Pharaoh and Moses... sigh, they are such dear little darlings. I call the gurgle and gargle, but don't tell the kids.

Speaking of Kids - Nope not preggers yet.

Brandy and Ryan are moving so the last weekend in May we are going up to see them and help with the moving/ packing etc. I'm trying to convince David we should do a road trip to the island. it'll be good to hang out with friends - and see Brans new place - Plus everyone else is doing it!!!!

I've had a few things on my plate, youth group is winding down, school is coming to an end, family emergencies are popping up everywhere, planning the summer vacations, camping and get togethers.

I'm right now most focused on what God wants in my life, where He wants me to go - What does he want me to do? I'm not sure where he is leading me.

lately I've had a heart string pulled in the area of Prayer - I'm not sure I'd call myself a prayer warrior, but it's something - I went to the church to see about maybe starting a prayer time before and during the Sunday service... I'm excited for what God is going to do.

I'm still figuring things out...

"it'll be ok in the end - if it's not ok it's not the end"

Saturday, May 5, 2007

So busy - I'll update for 3 weeks later..

David and I are babysitting - 5 - kids, and its an over nighter kind of thing - sorta busy -will update about moncton and more.. Ciao

Monday, April 23, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Praise... In all Situations

Blessed be your name
In the land that is plentiful
Where the streams of abundance flow
Blessed be your name
Blessed be your name

When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be your name
Every blessing you pour out,

I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in,
Lord Still I will say...
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your glorious name
Blessed be your name

When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be your name
Blessed be your name

On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be your name
You give and take away

You give and take away
My heart will choose to say Lord,
Blessed be your name

Psalm 150
1Praise the LORD.

Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
2 Praise him for his acts of power;

praise him for his surpassing greatness.
3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,

praise him with the harp and lyre,
4 praise him with tambourine and dancing,

praise him with the strings and flute,
5 praise him with the clash of cymbals,

praise him with resounding cymbals.
6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD.

Romans 5:3-5
3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;
4perseverance, character; and character, hope.
5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

There is thing aching in my heart, I'm not sure what it is... it's not sad, but it's not happy... it's more than just a rut... it's something.. I wish I could clarify, I wish I understood it.. .have I hit the 1/4 life crisis? A few of my Friends are in the same boat... we want to be following God's will, but we aren't 100% sure we're in the right place for that... if we are being used to our full potential... and if we are then why is there a longing for something different... for instance, I'd love to be more invloved at my Church, to do more, and I can't. I have so many other things... I want to be a better mentor to my youth 'girls' but I'm so busy... Well I feel busy, i feel worn out, streched... But at the same time i'm feeling better, I have more energy, I fell better. Sigh, I don't really know what I'm feeling... I'm just in a state... (side note - I do this ... ... ... ... a lot... )

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's Tuesday

It's Tuesday and I'm sitting at home - typing up the Christian Ed. meeting notes. Boring but i'm not complaining.

Easter was snowy eh? Random... I don't ever remember missing an Easter Sunday ever. But I think I'll be ok.

I saw most of my family, both sides, and it was good times!

I am back at work and life is going well...

I'm missing my ABU girls, all of them... and I wish that the summer would get here sooner so we could get together!

Umm yeah - short sweet just the way you like it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I really think I'm doing too much...

A very dear friend of mine pointed out that i might be doing too much... and my very wise husband told me that if I feel a little sick, why do I do so much, I should let myself get better, or, dare I say it, not get sick?...

I can't believe that I got the flu from my kids. I am so good at not getting major things from them. I mean I always have a new strain of the cold bug... but not a flu bug...yeesh. It's been years since I've ever had the full blown flu. I forgot how uncomfortable the fever / chills things was. I can't sleep, and I can't relax, I'm either shaking from the chills that I have or sweating because I can't turn the thermostat in my belly down.

I've got this cough that is coming along with my flu - the Doctors at the Hospital think I've got a flu bug and some sort of Bacterial thing - A-symptomatic - is what she said. so this throat and chest thing isn't 'crackly' I'm doing ok... and I have to report if I'm not improving.

See it's all complicated because we're trying to have a baby. Which means that there is a lot we can't do, that we can't take... We - well me cause I'd be the one carrying the baby, but we cause I'm all about whole us and we of a baby.

So I'm at home here, laying in bed, typing up this blog, and I'm feeling a little bit better - I've kept down Chicken Noodle Soup. but I'm still so hoarse. It's killing me, I'm breathing a little funny and I think it'll pass. I think I'll be back at school tomorrow, only not talk as clearly as I'd like. But I don't want to be that sick one, you know? I'm stronger than this little sick thing I have now.

I wanted to update about my AWESOME weekend, the part before the hospital visit.

Saturday morning I went to the church for a Worship workshop, put on by Lynn (the pastor of Worship, and my new friend) and a few facilitators. This was an amazing time, it's like I needed someone to just say what I was thinking out loud. I even lost it - I was just humbled before God, and others. I think it was a time of true change... a point was made and I got it, I really got it. It was good to get it, but also, it was amazing to be prayed for.. it's been so long since I asked for that, since someone offered... since it's happened.. and I felt God move in those moments.

then some of the youth, Paula, Jody and Natasha and I went to Beautiful Unique Girls. What a positive awesome and chick building time. I really hope the girls got something out of it, I know I did.

It was a good time. and a good weekend, right up until Sunday morning, but i would still say that it was a good time.

And now I'm off to help Proof Jody's doctoral thing thingy....

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What a Rollercoaster...

Last week was march break... only it wasn't much of a break.

During the week I had a few meetings and a day with some of the youth group girls and watched a few movies. Then my Parents came up to stay at our house, for Newton's funeral. It was a nice visit, except for the reason. Thursday came quickly, and I barely had a Chance to sit down before my In-Laws came through the door. Having so much family is never a problem, I love them, and I love having so many people around, I just forgot how hard it is to do the little things I usually like to do on March break. So Mom and Dad Skafte, and Stephen came up for the weekend. the real reason they came up was to head up to Moncton, to see Janet. I really miss her, and I really wish she sounded more happy when she talked about her life. But before I get all weepy again, I will move on... Saturday we went up to Moncton and visited with Janet, eat at the Pepper, had DairyQueen, and shopped. It was really good to see Jan laughing. We had a good day, and on the way home nothing, i mean nothing, sounded better that the Quartet of David, Stephen, Dad Skafte and I singing Bohemian Rhapsody.

EDIT IN - I also got ot see my beautiful and pregnant Sister (with her family... Sigh I loe my little D), sigh I loves her - and I can't believe I forgot to mention the wonderful Car ride we took, and those, treats...wink wink.

Ahh and school starts... and this week I was supposed to set up for youth and i guess I forgot that I was also speaking... yessh, that day was a total mess, so many little things that went wrong. After youth I went out with some of the sr. youth and Natasha (she's a friend, someone my age even..sigh.) and a dad and Micah, it was good - and i loved goofing off... maybe I was a bit too goofy.... sigh....

Well i should go type up some notes... get some things done....

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I am not ashamed

I am not ashamed that I can't spell
I am not ashamed that I talk faster than most people can listen
I am not ashamed that I can eat an entire Double Big Mac, and still be hungry
I am not ashamed that I have yet to completely unpack our house
I am not ashamed that I spend less than 5 min. in front of the mirror
I am not ashamed that I Still look good for only spending 5 min. in front of the mirrior
I am not ashamed that I sing along to most of the 80 s love songs, including all the hair bands
I am not ashamed that I am a Chocoholic
I am not ashamed that I am ‘above average’ when it comes to height
I am not ashamed that I am ‘above average’ when it comes to weigth
I am not ashamed that I laugh out loud when I find something funny
I am not ashamed that I love donairs
I am not ashamed that I dance naked in my living room to early 90s music, ie Mr Vain
I am not ashamed that I’ve taken Belly dancing classes
I am not ashamed that I’m good at it!!
I am not ashamed that I’ve seen Princess Bride more than 100 times
I am not ashamed that I bump into things… often
I am not ashamed that I wish for Snow days
And finally I am not ashamed that I curl up into a ball and cry when I fell bad

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Another Day at the Office

I'm not really in an Office - just here at the school..
i would like to put an editors note on my past post - it has come to my attention that maybe the information I got about my boss, was a little, how shall we say, false. I guess he was concerned about me when I was sick.. which is nice to hear. I do know that there are days where he is in a bad mood - but i don't' think it's directed at me personally...

so in the end - i was just feeling crappy and then other people told me things that made me feel worse... evenif they weren't true.. sigh...

Tonight we have youth - I dont' have the energy, but I'll fake it! I have to go find games now...

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Well it's been a week

What a week...

Janet is staying with us - and i don't mind it as much as i thought i might - not that I don't love her , but family for a week can have it's drawbacks... but it's actually not to bad - she has her room, we all just veg and hang out - we do our thing - she does her thing - but we do things together (technical i know). I don't know how she feels about it, i don't think she hates it - i mean free food and a free place to stay - I'd love it! aha.

My kids asked about baptism, wanted to talk about Calvinism vs arminianism and then about babies - What a day.

I'm still sick, it's been since christmas.. it's really getting old. on top of it I'm sure i have a kidney infection... i used to get them a lot growing up - and the last one was the day we got engaged.. it was a gross week... i was at the hospital getting blood work done when i chatted with a nurse about it - and she said i should stay at the hospital for ra few days - and do the IV drugs, but I told her that I didn't have time to stay and get checked by a Doc. or go to the clinic, because I don't want my boss 'mad' at me. the last time i was sent home from the hospital (last week( he was really mad - and didn't hide it from the other teachers - so I'm sitting in my class, in pain, and all i can think of is the backlash if I go home... Meh

on that note I'm telling the boss I'll be back if he'll have me - we need the money... well my stupid student loan needs the money... sigh...

well I have to go make some phone calls to my youth girls for our girls night..

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Incubation Tank

I've been sitting in a small concrete room, for a few weeks, with 15 (i have a new student) small little vessels of germs, viruses and sickness... Everywhere I look is a dripping nose, a coughing mouth, a sneezing child... sending millions and millions of tiny microbes out into the atmosphere that is my classroom. And all of them aimed at me I'm sure... it's crazy, I can't shake my cold, and it's morphing into a different cold... the Kids planned this, i know it's true... they want me ill, and the mom's; I bet they think it's cute, to hear me sneeze, sniffle... it's just not fair.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Last weekend

Last weekend, even though I was suffering from Meniere's Syndrome, David and I went up to Moncton. Mostly to see Grammpie. But also to see some friends. Grammpie is doing fine, and Nanny seemed to really enjoy the visit. He's doing better than I thought, but still not well. For the first few minutes he was completely coherent, and understandable... but as the visit went on the less and less he could talk, and communicate what he wanted to say. It was tough to see, but the visit was good.

I'm glad I went to see him. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go visit, I kinda want to only think of Grammpie as this strong, tall, caring, comforting person, not as a fragile, frail man fading away.

- -

We stayed at Holly and Justin's house. it was so good to see them, and we went to the market and then out to breakfast. we got to see Brandy, only for a little while - and Melissa showed up to!! It was good to see everyone.

And now it's Thursday, and it's a snow day - only there isn't snow - it was the road conditions... I Loves it!

I'm feeling much better - I have just a few moments a day where I'm dizzy, and the sinus stuff is getting better too...

and that is all that has been going on. ...

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Going down hill

What does that mean, Grampie is going down hill...

it mean that life sucks, and I hate to lose him. The Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is winning and Grampie is losing. He;s not the same man I looked up to. and it sucks. I have never lost anyone before, and I don't' want to lose him, not now I'm not ready.

I don't even want to write anymore about it - I just don't know what I'm going to do...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Facebook Woot Woot

I have become obsessed with facebook.com I can't help it, but i know it will pass as all good Internet fads do...

and I'm busy finding out the meanings of names for my class... Shannon - Wise one, and gentle river Skafte - i still don't know...

yup that is my exciting life...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

So where do I post the pics

I've been having a hard time with trying to post up some Christmas photos so I'll just say that they are on my pictures page... see the link to your right.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Marking and More Marking

I'm not up to much, just marking some of the kids work.. and imputing the numbers into my excel file so that I don't have to actually add the numbers myself.

I've been suffering from a migraine for three days now. it was just a low grade mi grain, more of a massive headache on Monday, then Tuesday happened. I got up early to head out to work(it was my turn for devos at work). As I'm trapped behind 4 buses, on my way, i realize I'm going to be late... i pull into the driveway at 7:50 - I can still make it - the clock in the car is 2 min. fast. so i start to head to the building... and WHAM I'm on the ground. I fall on the ice... and smack the back of my head... so I'm crying a bit, and trying not to vomit (migraine and all). but i pick myself up, sit int he cold try to stop crying and head in. I was a little late, but I'm not sure anyone thought i was crying - which is my goal... I'm tyring really hard to not be so talkie... well i talk, but i don't want to complain ... it's tough.. it's easy so the stopping is tough.

I've been approached to do a seminar on something for Spring forth - and I'd really like to do it - but I'm not sure if I'm capable, or will have the time to do it... I'm already feeling overwhelmed by all the little things that are going on... But again I want to do it... maybe on Being Real... sigh....

Friday, January 19, 2007

No School - again

Tuesday - Horrid snow storm... no school

Thursday - Power outage (Children turning into popsicles, must send home...) Sad part, the power came back on a few minutes after half the school was gone home... so i guess a free day.

Today - Slush Day.

It' s nice to have the time off - there is always things that I can do around the house, etc. But Its a little stressing knowing that my kids are a bit behind now... some really need to be in school... and learning. They are struggling and I hate to see them that way.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Something to Chuckle at... sigh the Days of My Youth

This is a great post from Reject the Null... an ABU related site...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Something Silly - I should be doing work...

I stole this from my cousin's facebook note section... hee hee hee it's cute.

1. YOUR SPY NAME (middle name and current street name):

Joy Cross

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME (grandfather/mother on your dad's side and your favourite candy):

Muriel Chocolate

3. YOUR RAP NAME (first initial of first name and first three or four letters of your last name):

S. Ska

4. YOUR GAMER TAG (a favourite colour, a favourite animal)

Blue Elephant

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, and city you were born in)

Joy St. John

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME (first three letters of your last name, last three letters of mother's maiden name, first three letters of your pet's name)

Skardy... I don't have a pet now...

7. JEDI NAME (middle name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards):

yojydruccm - - are you sure that's right?

8. PORN STAR NAME (first pet's name, the street you grew up on):

Shadow Arklow

9. SUPERHERO NAME: ("The", your favourite colour and the automobile your dad drives)

The Blue Bonneville

10. YOUR ACTION HERO NAME (first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)

Sarah Tetrazini

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Its been a while, 2 weeks...

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks.. I haven't really touched a computer - only twice in the last little while - I'm just so drained or busy -
but a quick update...

Christmas came and went - New Year's ditto...

School started, and man i miss my time off. I'm back into the swing of things - I'm just not sleeping anymore - which sucks.. the class is doing well, the other teachers are great. life is going well...

umm I start on the CE board, and I can't wait... I wish I could do more Church stuff, but i find I'm out of energy or feeling to stressed to really help out like I want to.

David's doing well his Sis is working with him for a while. it's nice he says. Umm nothing else is really new...