Friday, June 29, 2007


Still working on the NFLD update for now - just an updated 30 before 30 list...

30 before 30
1-Graduate from University (DONE)
2-Find a Job (DONE)
3-Paint a 'hangable' picture
4-Get Married (DONE)
5-Get Driver's Lic. (DONE)
6-Buy a house (DONE)
7-Pay off House
8-Have Kids
9-Pay off Student Loans
10-Read 'War and Peace'
11-Attend a ballet or Opera-one where you have to dress up, the real life kind
12-Knit a Blanket
13-Watch a Cirque performance
14-Get up and go on a Spontanious Road trip
15-Learn to Sew
16-Write a Collection of Poems
17-Have a Proper dinner party - fancy napkins and all
18-Travel over seas
19-Plant a garden (herb or veggie)
20-Hit my ideal weight, and stay there for a while
21-Take a personal vaction and Paint everyday, all day
22-Do Photography as more than a hobbie (Done, Wedding photgrapherat your service)
23-Spend a week on my Grandfather's farm, finding out my roots
24-Buy a new (to me) car (Done)
25-Collect and organize a Photo Archive of my Family
26-Spend an Entire Day at a Spa
27-Buy something from a TV infomercial.
28-Sell, donate, or get rid of all the stuff I have separated into piles to "sell," "donate," or "get rid of."
29-Go yardsale-ing and buy something incredibly hideous and display it in our Spare room Proudly!
30-Be a better Daughter, Sister, Wife, mother(hopefully),in-law, friend, Co-Worker.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Last Days ...

Today was my Last teaching day for the year.

and IF (hopefully WHEN) it rains tomorrow morning - I am FREE

well I have to clean up the class room - but that's easy!!


Friday, June 1, 2007

And the Vacation begins...Almost

Well it's in the Air, the smell, the smell of Freedom.

Everyone is so antsy, unable to focus, everyone is tired, and just wants to be outside. To be out in the fresh air, having fun, to just not be in school... and that's just the teachers.

the kids are WAY WORSER (aha)

Oh I saw Ev'y - had a meal - hugged and left- sorta how our relationship works these days...

What else... what else... oh yeah


Matt and Chera are getting married tomorrow - WOOT WOOT - and then we have to rush to the valley for a 50th anniversay, Gramma and Grammpa Skafte are re newing there vows, also Woot.