Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Time to Update...

So It's been a few days, or was it a week? I"m not sure the days sometime seem to run together.

Work is going so GREAT - some days it's tiring but most days it's very much a great time. The kids are so great, they are still working on the listening and the not Shouting out in class...but hopefully that will come soon.

Life in general is going well. David and I are still loving this married thing. i think a lot more people should try this.

You know I miss people, I think right now that is what i'm feeling, I miss Ev'y and Brannie and Holly and Emmie... Heck I miss most of my girls... I just would love to see them, to hang out - to just go and sit with them and maybe eat, and talk, cry, laugh... etc...

Well It's nothing fab... but it's an update

Friday, January 13, 2006

I could hear the Birds chrip...

The entire way home i could here brids chirping. It was so wonderful. I hope that Winter stays like this instead of that nasty -30 something weather that we usually get.

sigh a Girl can dream...

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Owww My Shoulder Hurts... But I'm still so very HAPPY

First - Why I'm so Happy!!

Ruthie got engaged, and then about two days later Leanne got engaged ... tis the season of engagement. I just can't believe how happy this makes me. They are such great friends I love to see them Happy.

My Shoulder

I awake at 3:30 this morning in EXTREME pain. So much that after an hour of crying David tells me we are heading to the Hospital.

So how did this happen - let me tell you, I wish I knew...

Two days ago I awake to a slightly sore shoulder, and I figure heck I slept on it funny and might have pulled the muscle. I then head to school, slip and fall a little - not a large fall just a slip - and think 'hmmm that tingles.. how about taking some tylenol..." that will help. So through out yesterday I'm taking an average dose of tylenol. After all isn't that what over the counter pain medication is for. Well during the day I did a few things that could have aggrivated my shouldblade/back. Let's see... Played with the kids in my class, played a few games of Ping-Pong, moved some stuff around the apratment, reached up for stuff that was too heavy to lift, and too high to really get a grip with... sigh... So my back really hurts by about bed time and I think "hmm this still really hurts." Of couse I take a few more tylenol to get to sleep... I know it seeems like I'm a pill pusher... I'm not I promise. Of course what happenes next is pretty normal... when you go to bed, usually sleep follows... and this time it did. No big surprise.

Until 3:30am. it's like an alarm went off in my shoulder-blade. it hurt and it hurt a lot. so off to the hospital. I was seen by a doctor who madae me twist my arm, and move my shoulder, and made me cry. It was very painful. We (well, he with my help) figured i had strained my back muscle, the really big thin one, and then in one of my simple movements I tore it. Exciting.

I'm off work for 2 days. Not really because of the injury but because I'm on serious pain killers. I'm tired and I can't really focus on anything, and I'm not really sure if what I think is going on is going on. It's like I'm dreaming... in a fog... and just out of it.

But in the end - WOOT for Love...

Monday, January 2, 2006

The Holiday Rush

Well it's been kinda a hectic (as I was saying in an eariler post), time of year.
i had a few weeks off work - so i should be rested... but there were so many chores, so many errands, so much shopping, and SO MUCH family... sigh...

I'm back at work and It's kinda nice to be busy but in a not so busy sort of way. It went smoothly. and i'm feeling ok - except that my lower back hurts from standing for about 6 hours... yikes....

well that's it for now... i think.
