Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How did I forget to post all SUMMER??

There is so much to write about - but I don't want to drone on and on...

This spring and summer I've been busy being a Mom.  Matthew is growing like crazy, and I'm amazed at ow smart he is - how alive he is.  there are days were I just sit and thank god for how incredible life is... and how through a  miracle, and i mean huge miracle God allowed me to carry him, deliver him, raise him... I just can't express of honoured I am. 

And then there are those days where I want to strangle I'm, in the loving-mother kind-of-way... if you don't have kids you think I'm cruel for saying that, and if you do you've already, subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Matty is growing and I love it - but he's reaching that stage I dislike the most... everyone has a stage tey dislike... the baby stage, with diapers and bottles and no sleep; the toddler years, with tantrums and messes; the early years, with the running and chasing... etc... etc...  you get to Teenagers wit Attitude and driver's licenses...   Well I'm not a fan of 1-3 years... I don't really know why, i just don't.  I mean I LOVE kids and I'll always be willing to 'hang out' with a toddler but it's just not my favorite stage. 

David is and was busy - it's the fall now so it's what we're used to... and as soon as his work-life slows 'the hockey' will pick up, and I'll be a hockey-widow..aha... ahem.   But I'm so thankful for David and how involved he is. He is trying so hard to do everything right - and he is.  He has come home early to help when I've been sick, and he's watched Matthew so I could go out and do some photo shoots.  He is just this amazing father, and husband.

Ahhh work - I've been just busy enough this fall, two weddings, and 6 family photo shoots and a few more to come.  It's Great!!!  I'm looking into getting registered - you know being all legit.  I'll have to find someone and figure out how to do that....

Phew... that was a lot... sigh...