Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas Joy...

Merry Chrsitmas Past....
Its been a hectic, and yet lazy Christmas.
On Wednesday the 21st, my parents came to stay at our apartment. David and I left Thrusday for his parent's house. We spent the weekend, christmas and the early mornign of Boxing day at the Skafte's place. It was fun. On Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Julie's (Dad's sister) and had a big dinner. Then for Christmas day we went over to Aunt Lori's (Mom's sister) and had a great big turkey dinner again. This is our yule log - sad we know... The best part was being able to sit and talk to family. I have been so welcomed into David's family. It's nice to feel that kind of 'like' well 'love'. I got to see Erin (David's cousin). She is so great I'm glad we could have fun, to laugh together. It's nice. Over all it was a very relaxing time. Which was just what we needed. On boxing Day we drove home because my side of the family was having Christmas dinner on boxing day... so it was home for more Turkey.

So Christmas was a bit hectic but great. And just yesterday I was on MSN talking with old firends, whom i haven't heard from in forever, so that was nice, to think back to good ol' times at ABU. sigh. I really miss it, even just the oportunity to chat. If I want to talk to the girls... I can't just go across the hall, down the hall, over to their place anymore. I have to go to a different province... sigh.

but to cheer me up - David is the greatest most understanding person ever, and I love him for it. He is great and I love him. sigh... I'm just a silly girl at heart... swoon.

Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm at Home... and I'm Bored Already...

I'm at home, and I'm ahead of schedule - - sorta - - I've got the spare room pretty much tidied up. I'm going to wait until David gets home so that we can finish it up together. I've got some of the living room cleaned up, and the kitchen still needs a bit of work - but three loads of dishes is enough for now. There is a lot left to do - but i'm goign to stop for now. there is always tomorrow.

Oh as for the kid well he's gone, according to his mom. she told me the last day of classes. I guess she's decided to pull him out of CCA. I'm not as happy as I would have thought. I'm sad cuase when he was a good kid, he was great.... unfortunatly when he was bad... not so much...

Well that's about it. .... Ciao...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's been a while... Two weeks even...

Have I been so busy that I haven't updated? It can't be, can it?

Well what's been happening.
hmmm last week, what happened... nothign really. the week went as normal. David was working in Stellarton. the kids in class were sorta ok... it's been tough the child with the most trouble adjsuting... ie. the kid well he's on his way out. He's been given his verbal warning - and has till Dec 16th to begin to adjust. You see that sounds cruel for a four year old; however the standard is very high at CCA. everytime I tell the children to put away their pencils, and the kid can't jsut throw a tempertantrum, and cannot scream that he hates school and hates me... this is not behavior that works with CCA. Also I would like to point out that it's been four months, and nothing, I mean hit other students, hitting me, screaming... I like him but there isn't anything more I can do... so to sum it up - the kid is on his way out. There really isn't anything that happened that week... last week. On Saturday there was a baby shower for Berinda and Baby, and then the youth group Christmas party. it was fun. I love the youth group - they are so much fun. I get to be a big kid... I mean there are time i have to be an adult.. but mostly I get to have fun.

I did find out that I had a nasty infection, and no symptoms... so there was some confusion as to where it came from, and how to get rid of it... so we did the medication thing, prayed about it and waited.... and I think it worked... right up until the last few days when everything came back... its so hard, and I think 'hey go talk to your doctor' adn then reality sinks in. By the time I call and get an appointment, the problem will be gone. so now I'm back to my nasal passages being sore and full and pressing on every area of my face, my throat is still rough, and now I have a cough... I think I'll suck it up and call. I just hate Doctors...

This week has gone by so very fast. the fact that today and yesterday are snow days, helped. I've gotten a few things done for Christmas. woot.

Well it's getting to be lunch time, and I have company coming for lunch.


Thursday, December 1, 2005

And I sit on a Thrusday, and watch some TV...

It's thrusday, Yesterday I had a breakdown... cried about work... there is so much Stress, so much i can't Change and I want so badly to change it.

Youth is going well - although there are some days I want to sleep. I love the youth group - i love the youth - they are great - i'm just so tired... and I'm tired ofbe ign sick.

can you friggin show me one other person who has been sick for 3 months, everyday... I just don't want to be sick anymore.. i dion't know what is going on.. I eat pretty healthy, I sleep 6-8 hours a day.. i've prayed for healing, i've talked to doctors, I jsut don't know anymore.

the worst is that I know it bothers David, it hurts him to know i'm sick.... and that breaks my heart. I feel like he's married someone who isn't 'good enough' who isn't whole.... you know?

AHHHH I just want a day to curl up, read a good book, cuddle with my husband, and enjoy a cup of tea. if there is a chance for napping - that'd be a good day!

As for things that are going on...

a while back - David and I went to Moncton to see Janet - and watch a hockey game. We got to see Holly and Justin too!!! It was a great time.

There was a spiritual retreat that I led it went ok.

umm I can't really remember if anything happen more than that...

and now i'm tired - so this is Ciao