Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Incubation Tank

I've been sitting in a small concrete room, for a few weeks, with 15 (i have a new student) small little vessels of germs, viruses and sickness... Everywhere I look is a dripping nose, a coughing mouth, a sneezing child... sending millions and millions of tiny microbes out into the atmosphere that is my classroom. And all of them aimed at me I'm sure... it's crazy, I can't shake my cold, and it's morphing into a different cold... the Kids planned this, i know it's true... they want me ill, and the mom's; I bet they think it's cute, to hear me sneeze, sniffle... it's just not fair.


  1. oh the joys of working with children....

    suck it up dude, in a couple of years you will be immune to everything....
    lol.... cause you will have already had everything possible

    see, it gets better!


  2. Thanks Brandy - I guess you understand this the best of all my friends.

    How's the new blog?

  3. you know, parents should really think about keeping them at home...

    it would just be nice :)

  4. Shannon - I love you!

    Does that help?
