Monday, March 13, 2006

Ahhh It's March break

It's March Break, and I haven't talked to anyone under 5 feet.. sigh, no snotty noses, no slimy hands... not that I don't normally love those things, but a break is nce from 17 grubby hands and noses, and crying cause someone said that someone else can't or won't be best friends anymore...

I never realized how complicated Kindergarten was...

so in the news this week..., My brothers Store (the one he manages, Unoffically) burned to the ground... a kitchen fire in the apartments above and behind the store caught on fire. Mike and Keith the Owner, got 80% of the stores inventory and the files etc. out with the help of some LAN guys (dont' ask its very very very geeky). they moved all the stuff to a location that the store had rented for the weekend (TOTALLY A GOD MOMENT). We stopped by Saturday night and tried to help out with what ever we could. There wasn't much, but we stopped by Sunday. Yesterday (sun.) David and I, Steve Mike's friend, and Mike, put the store back together in it's new location. I'm a little upset because Keith, although under a ton of stress, didn't really help much, at all.... We worked hard and Micah showed up and helped out too. in an afternoon we had the shop almost ready to open. Things were on the way to reopening. The big thing was waiting on the phone.

Well hopfully the store will be opened Tue.

So this weekend Mom and Dad Skafte are coming up - it'll be so Good to see them. I truly love seeing them and talking with them. However it does make me miss my Momma and Dad... sigh. They are on thy're way to Moncton to see Janet, and depending on when they are heading home maybe David and I can catch a ride to see Jan too... Sigh..... i miss her too...

Well that is it for now... nothign else new...

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