Thursday, September 8, 2005

My First Day of School

SO yesterday I became a teacher - I mean I really taught. I had a classroom, I had students, there were lessons, I hope some children learned something...

I arrived at 7:40, got to my class and started to prepare for the day - I was freaking out... So at the time I was kinda nervous, and after throwing up three times - I was over it. We began by introducing ourselves and then up to a general assembly. It was great - my 4 and 5 year olds were the most well behaved. Through out the say we learned a few things - reviewed the ABCs, counted to 5. Sigh and played most of the day.

I came home and just crashed - I didn't sleep the night before - so I just did nothing - David came home and rubbed my feet - I love him he's great.
Anyways -I know that this isn't' much - but I just need to sit down and relax...

Ciao World


  1. ack! that' so exciting!

    I'm glad it went well and I hope you're feeling better about the whole thing.

    So, can I come visit? ma said she'd take me to truro...

    anywho, check ya later!

  2. COME SEE ME!!!


    You coming for an afternoon? a day? what?

  3. I hope this job works out good.
    I'm happy for you.

  4. I'm so proud of you!!!
    A real live teacher, influencing the most impressionable brains!! That's so exciting!

  5. I can't believe it - I'm a teacher - Its great... but also a little scary - like you said Emmie - Impresionable minds... eek

  6. sounds like fun. How's it going now that its been a whole week now?

    Evelyn, where do you live now?

    Shan, some guy came into work the other nite, and I soo recognized him, but he said he had never been there before. Then I saw him and the two girls with him praying just before they started to eat so I asked him what church he went to and he said the I asked him if he knew you and he said yup...and to say was Jerry! I knew I had recognized him.

  7. Hey Jan -

    Ack - Jerry... CRAZY.
    Really? thats cool.

    how is life going Jan - I miss you - David and I are going to moncton on the 24th i think so don't make plans - let us know when you work the last weekend in Sept -and when you and gar are free!
    love ya Ciao

  8. I've been getting Saturdays off lately, and I work Sundays and Mondays now. But that can change. Gar has been getting Sundays off lately, but that can change for him. So I won't know till at the latest the 17th what I'm working that weekend, and Gar will know probably tomorrow what he's working that weekend.
