Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fasting (in my case... slowing.... ahah)

Fasting has got to be one of the easiest things to understand (the basics) and one of the Hardest to actually do... Fasting is simply giving up something... usually food, sometimes food and water. You can have a Daniel Fast, where you give up certain foods... meats being the most common. I've done fasts before - but I think I have gotten out of the habit, out of the frame of mind.

I find that there are a lot of motivations... but I'm not sure which one I'm running from. I find it so hard to get into the right place, to find the right reason, and of course actually get my butt off the couch and actually do something about it. I can't get myself to do something I know I should be doing. I don't feel alone in this either (since I think most people don't do things they know they should) (but this is not that post and will be another blog moment in the future).

I think I'd like to get closer to God... get more in depth with my relationship.. I think I felt that I was in a great place in my Walk. I was feeling... and thinking... and doing... out of Love for my Lord, but then I got a little complacent. I didn't think I had to work at it. I won't say that I thought I was 'perfected' but life was going well.

Then.. out of nowhere - bam - I'm not reading the bible, my prayer life sorta got to be those 5 line quips before bed or a meal... and I didn't notice... But then, I woke up one morning and missed the intimacy with God. I missed the connection. For those who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus - I'm not sure if you can get that last part... but let me tell you, it was not so great, and I missed it like I would miss breathing. So I got back to the things that help build that intimacy... But I wanted more.

So in the last few weeks I've gotten back in the Word, back to the basics of my walking and talking... but I crave more... more intimacy, to be reminded of my own humanity, my insufficiency. I want to see how God is all sufficient. I wanted to rely on God to provide. for him to speak clearer, (really I need to listen better, He's usually pretty clear {aha}) I guess I feel like I need to be a little more like Christ. I believe that Fasting can help with that. I want to humble myself.. I think that's in the bible somewhere... Ps 35:15.

There are more than a few examples of fasting in the bible, there are some great books about fasting, both as a spiritual discipline and as weight management tool. So there is my very problem. I don't want this to be about the physical benefits - and I think it could change into that.

I don't want to pretend. I know that I'm OK with the physical side effects of weight loss, but I don't want that to become my only motivation for attempting this discipline again. I want the spiritual to be my priority - and yet I'm scared I'll flip flop and it won't be about God and my relationship with him.

So do I start and just hope I stay focused? I was doing some research and found a few hints, and hopefully I'll be able to start a regular practice of Fasting...

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