Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Time to Update...

So It's been a few days, or was it a week? I"m not sure the days sometime seem to run together.

Work is going so GREAT - some days it's tiring but most days it's very much a great time. The kids are so great, they are still working on the listening and the not Shouting out in class...but hopefully that will come soon.

Life in general is going well. David and I are still loving this married thing. i think a lot more people should try this.

You know I miss people, I think right now that is what i'm feeling, I miss Ev'y and Brannie and Holly and Emmie... Heck I miss most of my girls... I just would love to see them, to hang out - to just go and sit with them and maybe eat, and talk, cry, laugh... etc...

Well It's nothing fab... but it's an update


  1. I miss you big much, it will prolly be a while till we are heading down your way, but if you guys ever wanna come visit for a weekend... we have a bed..... a small single bed.... but its a bed all the same.
    Love ya,
    Thinking of ya,

  2. We're hoping to come up to Moncton the first or second weekend in February, and we might take you up on the bed offer. Miss you buckets. ciao

  3. Single beds with two people can be fun :)
    Well... maybe not with two really tall people... but for regular people it's very cozy!

  4. Emmie, I agree, Single beds are very fun , unless you're tall or very Pregnant. LOL

    When are you coming to the maritimes? anytime soon?


  5. Shannon I so hear ya. I MISS YOU! Charlotte was just telling me how her and her university friends are having a get-together soon and it made me want to, too. It's kind of weird that i'm still in university and I need to have a university friend reunion, eh? MISS YOU!
