Saturday, December 30, 2006
It was a good Christmas for Loot... ahahah Since everyone is asking - - - we got a Griddle (a Huge one!!!) (Hello Pancakes!), a foot spa thingy, Josh Groban's new Cd, a home improvement book, Lots of treats and goodies, money from Grandparents, clothes, gift certificates etc.
Yup that was Christmas... I know I didn't write details... you'll have to forgive me for that.
I'm off to write in my other blog...
Happy New Year
Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Home for the Holidays...
Nothing much happened - OH I almost broke my foot Dropped a Huge Mirror on it... OUCH! but its' swollen and black and blue - that's all ...
Updates to follow when we arrive at the McGuire Homestead!
Monday, December 18, 2006
And the Vacation begins...
Oh did I forget to post - David and I are redoing the Kitchen... getting rid of the shingles and the wood... and adding trim and painting a nice cream on the cupboards. It looks so good and we are only half way done. We have come across a few glitches - the biggest one is the hinges. They don't really fit. Our cupboards fit into the space... and our hinges won't connect right.. we need to router out some of the wood and then attach the hinges - problem... we don't have a router thingy. hopefully we'll be able to get one... if you have one -- - let me know!
This week I've got to get the Kitchen done, take J.S our for Coffee - cause I like her, find time to spend with Chera - I miss her!!! and then head out to be with the Fam. I'm glad that David is going to get 6 days of no work this year.. he needs to just relax a little and not being at home, he'll not be able to fix and putter around the house - he'll have to relax. AHA.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Busy... and Yet... Bored Much
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you touch? The other Couch
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? Hockey
4. Without looking, guess what time it is. 9:00 ish
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 9:04
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? David on the couch and the hockey game
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? This afternoon, on my way home from work
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? My Husband... sigh swoon
9. What are you wearing? Wouldn’t you like to know… aha… Clothes
10. Did you dream last night? Yes
11. When did you last laugh? This afternoon with the kids and their decorating
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? Paint
13. Seen anything weird lately? Define lately
14. What do you think of this quiz? This is truly the most mind numbing thing I’ve done in a while
15. What is the last film or video you saw? Casino Royale - - a lot of poker not a lot of ‘Bond”ish things
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? A lot of things.. pay off the house, the loans, buy a car, buy a house for my mom, buy a storage unit for the desks in my Teachers lounge…
17. Tell me something about you that I don’t know. I’m unsure about my abilty to teach
18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? I’d find a way for people to truly understand that God truly loves them…
19. Do you like to dance? Yes, belly, hula, and with Emmie in the room – Tribal, with my girls – the peper shaker. I’d love to Ballroom Dance with David… Sigh
20. Comment to George Bush: the name sounds better than George Smalltree
21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? Ella Marie Skafte
22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? Matthew Eyvind(David's Dad) Charles(My Dad) Skafte
23. Would you ever consider living abroad? Yessum
24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gate? Welcome home my child, my good and faithful servant.
Monday, December 11, 2006
And It's December Already?
there is so much to do - and so little time, I have to finish shopping (just one more gift left), Write up my Christmas Letters, finish wrapping the presents, Help with the the school's Christmas concert, Teach 14 5 yr olds the last week before Christmas break, bake some cookies, continue to orchestrate the Kindergarten Christmas party, Redo my kitchen, paint backdrop for the church, if I ever get a chance to see it?, pack to go see family, go see family, and then get back in time to maybe relax before I head to work Jan 2nd. It doesn't seem like a lot but it's all the small things... after school is done Friday it will be a bit better...
i'll Have time to update then...
Thursday, November 30, 2006
been a little sick.. but nothing else going on...
I got up Monday and headed off to work. It's been a few days and waking up is always gross when you wake up, so the breathing thing? well I figured once I got up and got going it's be fine. Well I arrived at school and the breathing thing now hurt... and wasn't happening when it was supposed to. I was talking with Mr V. and we collectively decided I should go to the hospital to get checked out... but not before I get the class ready, it's crazy that at that moment my biggest concern was the substitute, and making it easy for them, and then thinking about the aftermath for me and the class... sigh... i got out 4 days of lessons, in case it was a serious problem, and left. I went to the hospital and simply found out that I have a slight chest infection. Not too bad, I got a shot and a puffer... great nothing leaves a gross taste in your mouth like a puffer.
I head home, call the school tell them I'm off for a few days, and that it's nothing serious. and now I sleep .. all day... it was crazy. Wait I did get up to go to the regular, non hospital type doctors. She looked in my ears, eyes, throat, checked my stomach, commented on the HUGE tonsil I've had for weeks and tole me I have sinusitis. She explained that my body is a big incubator for bacteria that I can't fight... this explains the last couple of months nose issues and cold.
I went home and guess what.. slept. but i tell you the next morning, such a difference, Antibiotics are so Crazy. they work, it takes a few days but what a difference. I'm running at 80% now. Oh and these Antibiotics, well my kidneys could just shut down. Yippee.. in fact it's such a high dose that the Pharmacists thought that it was one prescription (in my name) for David and I to share. ahahah... nope all the crazy drugs are for me. aha.
anyways I'm feeling better but I'm going to go now - i have a Christmas letter to write.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Hanging out with the Shaddicks...
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
"You keep using that word -- I do not think it means what you think it means. "
"You mock my pain."... "Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
"I don't envy you the headache you will have when you awake. But, in the meantime, rest well ... and dream of large women."
"Who are you?!"..."No one of consequence."..."I must know."..."Get used to disappointment."..."
"As you wish. "
Sigh What a Great movie!!!
Sigh, Swoon!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The beat goes on...
-1- I’m now a member of the CE board at church… woot. I’m officially starting in Jan., but I sit in on meetings. I think it will be a good year! I can see so much happening… It is amazing how God is growing our church family. I see so many young families, young people there, as well as our lovely staple… the ‘oldies’ as I like to tenderly call them …lol…
David has just tonight, accepted a position on the Deacons Board. I’m excited to see how God will use him, he is such a godly man.. it’s nice to see him involved in our Church… sigh…
-2- Ahh Remembrance Day weekend…it was a LONG weekend. David and I got to see a few friends, Holly and Justin, Bek, brandy and Ryan (at work) It’s so nice to talk with brandy, she’s busy and not online anymore… but we do the same thing so talking about my job is interesting.. not just fun stories of kids… but an actual conversation. I miss them and WANT to go back and see them.
WE also got to help de-clutter the attic that was always a mystery to me... My grandfather had 12 boxes of Raisin Bran... 12, who needs 12. There was so much JUNK! Milk bags he saved, egg cartons he kept, jars of SAND... yes sand. So I was a bit frazzled with the emotions and the hard work. I was beat and tired. And had to get to work... and I didn’t sleep well that night. So that second week of Nov. is kind of hazy.
-3- Carina and Renier invited us over for lunch to see Berinda and the Family... (we also attened a surprize 40th party for R...) So we head over for lunch and out of no where... BAM they ask us to watch the kids... We said yes (they were in a bind) BUT it would have been nice to prep for kids. The last three days were crazy... three kids thrown in our laps. I think when you ease into a 7 or 9 or 16 year old with the 7 or 9 or 16 years it takes to get them… it will be a bit easier… well at least less ‘thrown together'. But it was fun. David loved having the kids in the house - he kept saying how cute they all were... That makes me smile.
That's it for now....
I’m busy and tired and Can’t wait until Christmas Break!!!
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
It had been so long since I was sick.. i guess it was about time
The day was long but we (the class and I got a lot done... slowly or course) that night we went to young adults. I enjoy spending time with Jody and Micah... sometimes its hard.. but i get used to how sometimes, its not so much fun... but most times it's fun... and for the most part last night was fun. Janet came a long. I like her. Our new Pastor and his wife were there and it was so nice to meet them. I enjoy them, and Lynn likes 'settlers' a great game! Natasha said she likes Dutch Blitz.. so i hope to play her some day. We played a game, and then we had to come home... Janet needed to get back to the apt.
Once we got home i headed right to bed. I wole up at 3 o'clock sicker than a, what ever it is that people say. So I was up and then... well i had to go to work... man it sucks so much to go to work when you feel like a pill of (insert bad word here) but I managed to last until lunch time before I lost my cookies... in the classroom... GROSS... normaill I clean up puke from a kid... good thing I hadn't eaten today... aha. Gross... Sigh so I left work
I came home crawled into bed and tried to sleep.. i slept and no longer sick to my stomch but i wish I coudl breathe normally...
Oh a purely romantic note David brought me home a dozen roses... how friggin' sweet... I just love him. A Lot!
Monday, November 6, 2006
I'm so busy...
Saturday I went to Halifax to go shopping with a friend from work... and we saw STEVE MU
RPHY (CTV news anchor) at McDonalds. In fact he almost tipped my tray...sigh... swoon.
Sunday I had a meeting at the church... and then there was getting ready for the week...
Today was the longest day of my life... work was just long and when you have a cold it's super long... and then the hour and a half of grocery shopping SUCKS...
but tonight we are heading out to game night at the linkletters...
I'm such a nerd.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Talking, Teaching
I've started to chat with old friends again. It's neat. I saw Mel a few months ago, and David and I are planning on seeing her in Nov. Holly and Justin stopped by, and hopefully I'll see them again, in Nov. Sigh I have to call Brannie, If I do get to Moncton I NEED to see her!!!! I Miss her and Ryan and the Fam.... Sigh...
On Thursday I headed off to the Teachers Convention... it's not as glamorous as it sounds... but it was great! I love going with the girls from work. I enjoy that for the most part most of us get along... and that L and P and S and I (me) all get along so well! It's just nice. I did miss David, a lot, but I got through. Also from all the junk food, and crappy fast food i got a tummy ache, and boy the ride home sucked... I just was so car sick for most of the ride...
I'm home now and just relaxing. My In Laws are here, and i like having them here. it's really not cool how far they are from me, us... but we still see each other about once a month. It was nice...
Well I'm getting ready for bed.
Monday, October 23, 2006
So much
I'm aching for my Family... It's so hard to tell someone what I feel God has laid on my heart... It's hard to tell someone the obvious truth / common sense that they can't see... It's hard because I don't want to sound 'high and mighty'... but it's not just me, When you talk to other family members we all feel it, see it and yet no one will say anything.. and I just wish I could be the one to say it... but if I am the one - I don't' want to be the bad guy... you know? Meh... I just have to realize that I can't fix everything, or everyone. But I still cry at night over the mistakes, the hurt I see that they are inflicting on themselves and on the other family members...
It's just hurts
I'll get over it - if I can find the time
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Thanksgiving Weekend
1. David and I getting so many things finished, and started with the know the regular maintenance. I love how handy David is. I just bought a desk that is huge - and I'll use for scrap booking. It's so big we hope it will go in our office. I love it! The next major thing to start is shelves in our laundry room. Oh and siding our house.
2. We did thanksgiving at David's parents place. It was so nice to see them. I love just being with them, sitting and talking - about life. I love being able to share things, and to pray about thins, and know that they are praying for us too. Mom showed me some bible verse that were just what I needed to hear... It was good. For dinner we went to David's Aunt's house with 30 some odd people. I love crowds just not with a headache.
3. Oh the way home we stopped by Mom and Dad McG's and saw old family friends. He's a car salesman. and will keep his eye open for a car we are looking for. I hope it works out and we can get a good deal (cause we know him)
4. I hit a Deer on Wednesday night... no one was hurt, no car was damaged, and the deer seemed to be ok.
5. ON Thursday night I jumped the curb... and blew out my tire... yeesh... but again no one was hurt, but a car was damaged... I was with my sis-in-law and we pushed a car as people just kept on driving by... sigh where did chivalry go... Anyways i nice lady stopped and drove us to where our husbands were and the crisis was over.
6. The night of the storm the night i blew the tire... we were boarding a bus to PEI... EastLink is having their executive club retreat weekend. If you get 100% or better of your quota you 'qualify' for this retreat. we go to a resort, and David plays golf while I go to the spa... sigh I love the spa. David got 161% of his quota (that's more than anyone else in any area of sales) Woot for my hubby!!
7. Umm work is going well...
I can't think of anything else... Oh I did laundry today... sigh...
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Hockey's Back...
Hockey Widow
Sigh.. at least I'll have some time to do some Scrapbooking!!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Lost in Translation
Walk blindly to the light and reach out for his hand
Don't ask any questions and don't try to understand
Open up your mind and then open up your heart
And you will see that you and me aren't very far apart
'Cause I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
Violence is spread world wide and there are families on the street
And we sell drugs to children now oh why can't we just see
That all we do is eliminate our future with the things we do today
Money is our incentive now so that makes it okay
But I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
I've been seeing Lisa now for a little over a year
She said she's never been so happy but Lisa lives in fear
That one day daddy's gonna find out she's in love
With a n***** from the streets
Oh how he would lose it then but she's still here with me
'Cause she believes that love will see it through
And one day he'll understand
And he'll see me as a person not just a black man
'Cause I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
I believe I believe I believe
I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
Love will find the way
Love will find the way
Love will find the way
Please love find the way
Please love find the way
Translated fromEnglish into German, from German to French and from French back into English
I believe
in the light go blindly and for its hand of questions
and to try not to include/understand your understanding
to open and your heart to reach outside to place to open
then and you does not see that
you and myself are not much separate broad
'cause believes me that the love is the answer
me believes that the love finds the manner
activity of force extended in the whole world
and all has us families there on the road
and to sell drugs to children maintaining why,
OH- not to precisely see us being able that we,
sums eliminate our future with the things which,
we are today of the money our incentive
with types him okay make me now believe however
that the love is the answer
I believe that the love finds the manner
me believes that the love is the answer
me believes that the love finds the manner
me has LISA for a small number over one year
considering you said now that it is never étée thus however a
LISA lives happy in fear this dad of day which goes,
is it would discover in the love nigger by the roads like,
OH- he would lose it that then, but they are with me
'a cause believe still here it that the love sees it
and during one day he includes/understands and he
precisely sees me as anybody a black man
'cause believes me that loves those the answer is
me believes that the love finds the manner
me believes that I believe that I believe that
I believe that the love is the answer
which I believe that the love finds the manner
loves finds the manner
love finds the manner
love finds the manner
requires discovered love the manner
requires discovered love the manner
So Great!
My other day of Work
umm that is all i wanted to say.. Oh here's the Website to check out- its a fancy little place!
Ciao for Now
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Youth Group Revived my Love of Playground Games
I found some offical rules... Lovin' it!!
Equipment: The Court and Ball
The game court shall consist of a large square subdivided into four squares of equal size
Each square shall be numbered starting at one and going to four in a counterclockwise fashion
The "one" square is called the entrance square; it is the square that a new player enters the court
The player in the "four" square is called the king/queen; a smaller square shall be placed in the far corner from the center which is called the serving square
The king/queen starts play with a serve and is allowed to modify the game rules (within acceptable reason) before each serve
The serve is performed from the serving square; a serve consists of an underhanded strike and a bounce on the ground in the "four" square to any of the other three squares (like ping pong)
The ball then is played so that the ball strikes a player's square but once and then struck so that it goes into another square
A player is out when:
The ball is in a player's square and is unable to strike it into another player's square
The ball is in a player's square and the player's return lands on a line
The ball is in a player's square and the player's return hits another player's foot who doesn't intentionally move it into the path of the ball
Various rules are implemented to change this condition (i.e. a player is out when another player catches their strike)
When a player is out that player leaves the court, players rotate clockwise if their is an empty space, a new player enters in the "one" square
I want to play it again... is that odd for an 25 year old?
Thursday, September 21, 2006
This Week, What else??? What else??
Morning was Bad,
Afternoon was Bad,
Evening was Lonely...
Blah, Bad, Whatev....
Friday, September 15, 2006
My 25th
Yesterday was kind of a let down...
the best part was dinner with David, and a rose. I'm still trying to think of what I want for a birthday present... the second was the 'staff party' it was nice and thoughtful.
It was just so hectic. I really wish that it had been something fun. something to mark my 25th... sigh not so much.
anyways life is going well. I'm really busy and really sore at night so I just come home and get ready for bed. I"m still not into the swing of things.
I love what I do, don't get me wrong, and I love the people I work with.. it's just part of me just wants to be at home, being a wife.. I would have time to do the things I wish I had the mental energy to do... Oh to Paint. It's been more than a year since I painted a picture... almost 2 since I've written a poem.
that is where I'm at just Sigh...
and as long as I can fake 'woot'ness... I'm going to be ok...
Monday, September 11, 2006
A Long Long Weekend
The weekend was a very long weekend, and I don't think that I had a good night's sleep in almost a week... I don't remember every detail... but I do have highlights..
- The Memorial for Uncle Jake was beautiful (I didn't cry)
- The ordination Service for Dad Skafte was pleasant
- Steve is Engaged
- It was so good to see Mom Skafte
- Had a good girl talk with Berinda
- Saw a few babies
- Fell for those babies
- Had supper with Momma and Dad McG.
Umm that's it for now
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
I can't make Comments
I'm trying to post comments on my friends blogs - and I can't - it won't let me.. something about Beta this and Beta that...
Ev'y how do you do it??
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Saturday Mornings...
I got Pasta containers, a Tupperware pickle container... Sorry Ev'y no Apple green... I looked. And we got a patio set, only with two chairs. It's a table that seats 6, so we'll get more chairs...
I was reading Emmie's blog, and she requested any pictures from ABU... I have some Emmie - - and I'll get them to you... But I also would love to be Emailed any pictures from my fourth year... 2004-2005...
And lastly before I go hang out the laundry, Who knows about the Vinyl Cafe? Do tell...
Friday, September 1, 2006
What the 90s are back??
and flipping through the TV,
and wouldn't you know it..
I came across the GeMagic...

Thursday, August 31, 2006
Trip to Halifax x2
David and his father we're planning on meeting to exchange work vans, but to our surprise we got to enjoy a wonderful meal, and some time to just 'hang out' with the 'rents.
I'm so very glad that we have become friends with David's parents.
Anyways that's my other trip to Halifax yesterday.
Today I'm off to the school, to work until everything gets down....
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Trip to Halifax
I was on the road at 7:00am... it was so pretty. The landscapes were so amazing, I wish I could have painted instead of heading into the city. But alas my appointment was creeping up on me. I arrived in Halifax, and got lost. yes I got lost... I just took a left when it should have been a right. Don't worry I got to the hospital in time.
Once at the Dickson I was ushered upstairs by some old women, who go to radiology twice a week, and love the nurses. They just wish there was coffee in the waiting room. After taking a number and waiting 5 min. they called my name. Now this is all happening to smoothly... things don't go smoothly with me and my health. So it stopped being so smooth. The last time I was down to the hospital they created, what the nurse called, 'a bogus' account. so she would have to take some time and fill out a real file and what not. Oh Joy!
I was sitting and waiting when they called my name - i could go in and get my treatment without the file being finished... umm OK, what ever they say. So I'm walking behind a woman who is no higher than my elbow, through a maze of a most hideous shade of lime green... calming I suppose... and then into a tiny room with a smiley radiologist.
She was kind and spoke with a soft voice. It was very nice. She was nice. She handed me my yellow pill, and told me not to touch it - just to use the container it was in as a cup. Scary much! She gave me a shot in the arm of B12 and sent me off. (The shot is what I might have to do monthly... not to painful... but my arm went tingly for about 5 hours)
I was thinking about heading home, but my arm was aching and throbbing and tingly, I didnt want to start the trek home till it felt a bit better. so I met up with Ev'y, who had a surprising dentist appointment. We walked around the Halifax waterfront, looking for a drug store, because her missing tooth was causing her pain. We went to a cute little place for lunch. It was nice. About 1:30 my arm felt normal, and we headed off. I dropped Ev'y off and headed home...
Sigh it's good to be home...
oh David and I are heading back to Halifax to meet up with Mom and Dad Skafte... sigh I could have just stayed in the city...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I have had nuclear testing done before (involving my kidneys) so I know there isnt' any glowing - but I still don't like the whole radioactive part...
Monday, August 28, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Leanne Mac's Wedding
Congrats Leanne, I'm praying that Everything goes smoothly, that everyone has a great time, and that you remember every detail of today as your most perfect day!
I love you so much and I'm so upset that I can't be there. I tried... I'm sorry.
So where can I send your gift?
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Livingroom
So I bought paint, and tape and we began to paint... Don't mind the scrapbook stuff that seems to have taken over my couches....

and it's done...
next the Kitchen!!!!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Ahh my Trip to Halifax, and to the Tests
So we are driving to Halifax, and hoping not to get lost... we arrive at the Dickson centre. so we go in and take a number. Well I take a number. and we sit. Sooner than later I'm called up to the registration desk. It's been a few years since I had been to the QE2 so there was a lot to update. Then came the blood test, only wait No one had heard of this Shilling Test. they looked it up in the big black binder, nothing. they called upstairs, nothing; so a few nurses came down, and nothing, again. They had called the wrong "upstairs". Sigh, after 20 more minutes a lady from Radiology came down...
RADIOLOGY! apparently after talking with my family Dr., 8 nurses and a few other Doctors, not one of them felt the need to tell me I needed to have a nuclear test done, and that it would have to scheduled, by my family physician...
So now the trip to Halifax is not so urgent, and kind of a waste of time.. only not cause i got to spend some time with Jan (which is nice) and we went to see Ev;y and Holly ( which is also nice). Ev'y and Jan and I ate lunch at East Side Mario's. and then went to see Holly.
We drove home and that was my big trip to Halifax. Once my Dr. Calls me about an appointment I get to do it all again... sigh...
Friday, August 18, 2006
Tubing, Camping, and Ruthie’s Wedding
We arrive at Brannie and Ryan’s house and have a washroom break and head off to Marimichi. Ahh Camping and tubing here we come! We are off and in between the blinding rain and the cloud patches we eventually get to Ruthie’s.
Thursday was Ruthie’s bridal shower. It was fun. I’m sure I’m the nastiest of her friends – and I don’t think that is bad (have you met her friends? … Aha…). It was a good time, I enjoyed it so much, the food was great and the gifts were great. I like the bloomers... ahahah but nothing beats the “D Cup” eh girls?? After the evening Brannie and Ev’y and I headed back to the Campsite. It was nice. Expensive but not bad. I don’t think that I’ll go back, but it’s nice.
Friday was TUBING DAY!! Oh man it rained but we were going tubing. Ev’y was very insistent. And we did. It was so COLD… until you went numb and then it was GREAT. Ev’y was in the rear, as usual, and Holly and Justin were laughing most of the time. I think David had fun, he was cold but I think he enjoyed himself. Brannie and Ryan took Hailey she was such a trooper! I love them. At the halfway point we saw these HUGE clouds and decided to sit out for a bit – let them pass and then move on down the river. Well let me tell you! It was horrid the sky opened up and dropped buckets. We got out and had to wait in the hurricane for our drives. It was still fun, and I’d do it again…
Saturday was Ruthie’s wedding, and it was done ever so nice. The church looked nice and Ruthie was beautiful as always. There were raindrops but no tears, and I don’t think anyone noticed the rain. It was just a lovely day.
Sunday we packed up and headed home… after three days of rain and waking up 2 time in the night to pump up the STUPID air mattress, again… Home to my bed and a lot of blankets! Well that was the Camping Weekend..
Sigh I can’t wait till next year… Ev’y wanna have a wedding next summer? Ummm and we can all camp?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Ahh Low (or No) B12
Now I'm not really clear on what will be going on - so I looked online and here is what i've found...
Vitamin B12 is essential for folic acid metabolism and for the health of your nervous system and red blood cells. It also plays a key role in achieving normal homocysteine levels. It is important to have adequate amounts of Vitamin B12 in order to prevent anemia (low hematocrit).
Symptoms - -
Feeling tired or weak (Yup that's me)
Pale appearance to the lining of lower eyelids
Palpitations, fast or irregular heart beat. (Yup that's me)
Faintness and breathlessness.
Hair loss
Bruising that occurs without reason
Dizziness (Yup that's me)
Long or unusually heavy menstrual periods
Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet (Yup that's me)
Equilibrium difficulties (Yup that's me)
Confusion (Yup that's me)
Personality changes and depression
General Info - -
Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease in which the body is not able to absorb enough vitamin B-12 from the digestive tract. It occurs after long-term autoimmune gastritis (inflammation of the mucosal lining of the stomach). The destruction of the gastric mucosal cells makes you unable to make intrincsic factor, a substance that enables vitamin B-12 to be absorbed from the intestine, resulting in a B-12 deficiency. Pernicious anemia is most common in people of Celtic (i.e., English, Irish, Scottish) or Scandinavian descent. Pernicious anemia usually occurs in people aged 40 to 70 years . . . I guess i'm jsut lucky..... Among Caucasians, the mean age of onset is 60 years, but it shows up at an average of 50 with African-Americans.
For pernicious anemia, injections of vitamin B-12 (called cyanocobalamin or hydroxyocobalamin), oral folic acid therapy, or both, can reverse the production of abnormal blood cells. (so we are looking to see if the pills will be effective, if not it's the needles... NGross much!!)...Current treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency consists of a life-long regimen of monthly B-12 injections. Unfortunately, neither diet or iron pills will help, but if diagnosed early a full recovery is promising.
In looking at some info it appears that the most plausible cause from my Pernicious Anemia (if that is confirmed with more tests) is Failure of the stomach lining to produce intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is a chemical produced by the stomach lining and combined with vitamin B12 in the small intestine. Due to an autoimmune disorder (a disorder caused by a person's own immune system attacking the body's organs and tissues), the production of intrinsic factor is blocked.
So that is what I have for Info right now - when I go back to the doctors i'll fill you all in...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Ahh and we are home...
Firstly, I'd like to say that I'll update about Ruthie's wedding at another time - we are having Computer Issues... so it'll be coming later, and the pictures will follow that.
Secondly, about a week ago I went to the Doctor's because of a few things - one of the those it the lack of sleep I am getting, and also that my left foot seems to be going numb and hurting me. So she sent me for blood work. No Biggie. I've done that before. Only this time I got a call to back to the Dr's and talk about the results... THAT CAN'T BE GOOD... so today I'm off to Chat.
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
It's Tuesday
Well our car appears to be going through puberty... it's 14 years old, and now it sometimes won't start. It just won't work, and then magically, poof, it works. We are taking it in to get fixed... argh. I just want a car I can rely on. sigh. If it isn't working before Thursday, i think we're getting a rental car for the weekend.. which is nice cause our little clunker needs a break.
And now for my women's intuition...
I believe that a certian Brother in Law that I have, might not be so 'unattached'. I'm not sure but if it's true and you have a girlfriend (which I will tease you for... cause that is what older sisters do.. and if you need any advice on girlie stuff... call me day or night... ) Congrats... and let me know... yeesh. Love ya Steve!
Um I think that is it... so I guess Ciao...
Girls see you in 2 days!!!
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
The Devotional
These are some of the scriptures I’ve found, and quotes that seem to set a standard.
What are your thoughts on the scriptures below??
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy; meditate on these things.
Ephesians 4:17,18 –
This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind,
18 having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart;
Romans 12:2 –
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
“Sow a thought, reap an action.
Sow an action, reap a habit.
Sow a habit, reap a character.
Sow a character, reap a destiny!”
~Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1989). The Bible exposition commentary. “An exposition of the New Testament comprising the entire ‘BE’ series”–Jkt. (Php 4:8). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.
Romans 3:13-15 -
13"Their throats are open graves;
their tongues practice deceit."[a]
"The poison of vipers is on their lips."[b]
14"Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness."[c]
15"Their feet are swift to shed blood;
Ephesians 4:29-30 -
29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Took My Road Test
Now I can finally drive! (legally, by myself)
Sigh... I'm a real live Grown up now...
Woot Woot.
Monday, July 31, 2006
So busy - it is Today yet?
Thursday – Ahh the day of Potatoe salad.
Friday – Rehearsal day. This is the day that we (momma and dad and I) worked till we all dropped. We started with the little things, the rest of the salads, all the prep, the drinks… then went to the rehearsal, left early to decorate… decorated, set up, BBQed, worked while trying to find a moment to eat, and then clean up. Sigh it was a busy night.
Saturday - Mike and Jen got Hitched - doesn't that sound romantic? The Wedding was beautiful. She was in a strapless with layers and a sash. It was so beautiful and fit her style! There will be pictures to follow on my msn spaces.
Sunday - First - Happy Birthday Hailey!!!! Second - Church went well, My Aunt Sandra and Uncle Greg (Dad's side), and Aunt Wendy and Uncle Dave (Momma's side) all came with us. It’s nice to worship with family. After church we all went to a brunch to watch Mike and Jen open their gifts – they got a lot of very nice things. Afterwards Aunt Wendy and uncle Dave came over with Momma and Dad for an afternoon of Nothingness. That was GREAT!
Today - I'm lying on the couch - due to Female issues... ahem, ahem; and getting a lot of Scrap booking done. I think it's time to scrapbook my years at ABU.
This Week - I have a meeting this weekend- - that’s going to be fun, but is work…
This Month – In about 12 days a dear friend, Ruthie is getting married – Woot Woot. We will be camping, tubing and having fun. At the end of the month Leanne is getting married… WOOT WOOT. And then it’s off to work… sigh sigh sigh sigh…
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Side Note
Emmie you made a great quote!
She commented on how situations can change you... how she never experienced someone close dying...
Me either, I have a few family members who are not doing so well, but it terrifies me as to how I will react. How will i handle that??
I heard that my grandfather fell again just last week.. He isn't doing well... at all... and to see momma talk about him, you can hear the ache and anguish in her voice... and see tears start in her eyes. It's hard... I don't think I like this phase of life.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Who you are?
I was talking with my younger brother in law. He’s a sharp one, and very blunt. I like that in our conversations, we started talking about relationships, and people in them. Not specifics, just relationships in general. We both started to talk along the same lines. How do you know your ‘other’, heck why start that far a head, how do you know when you know yourself?
There are so many people who started off the dating cycle with the attitude that I must present only the great parts of me. I need to catch this person; I need ‘get’ him or her. I’m not saying that people should just say ‘hi nice to meet you’, and then verbally vomit all the horrific tales of their life, shortcomings, or personality, on say, the first date. (Or even the second or third dates...) But be honest, and don't lie to yourself or them. It’s so weird I’ve watched, and studied relationships; it’s very interesting how people will try to find the balance of Too Much Information...
There are some people how get caught up in the rush of emotion, that feel so strongly that they forget it’s about learning, about finding each other, finding yourself and if you are compatible. I don’t know how so many people I know or don’t know, they just wake up one day and don’t know who they are married too... they didn’t expect it and they didn’t’ figure it would ever be the way it is now. And they don't know what to do about it. I mean I know of a couple where after the wedding everything changed, there was a 180° change... it’s scary. How can someone hide so much...?
Why would they hide it? You see it could be that they just didn’t know themselves, and that is a tragedy all it’s own. But I’ve seen someone change (for their other) and then talk about how they were before the dating, the engagement, before the wedding, and they appeared to change just for the ‘sake’ of the other person. “If I don’t show you how I really am then you’ll like me... and then once were married I’ll change (back) and you’ll love me so you’ll accept it...” It’s kind of cruel. But they don’t see it that way. They might think that is how it's supposed to be, they might not know that they are doing it... I mean that’s for those who know themselves...
For those who don’t know them selves and just seem to change, it’s not so cruel, it’s not so obvious. They only thing to say to that is just to get to know you. It’s hard to be two pieces of a whole when one person isn’t sure of who they are. I believe that you can’t love anyone until you A) realize God’s love for you and B) You can Love yourself... and of course to love yourself you need to know yourself.
What time in life, when can you say that you knew who you were? How do you know that, that’s it? Is it that there is no more to you? Are you prepared to share and grow and become different? No one is the same forever, and people say it, heck I say it, that I know myself, except that things change, and change you. You might not even know it. God is continually working on everyone. You may have a personality type, you may be a certain temperament; but that isn’t final.
It’s not about knowing you finitely, but knowing you and how you change. It’s about knowing you and how you relate to others... it’s that what marriage is... it’s relating on every level.
It’s about knowing yourself. Not for anyone else. About knowing you so that you can grow. You can work on the things you need to work on. To be able to get past things that hurt you, why they hurt, and coming to resolution. About growing and loving and being what and whom God wants you to be...
And on that note I’ll stop my ramblings. And continue with my day...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Fours -- -Fron Bek
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Office Clerk
2. Kindergarten Teacher
3. Librarian’s Assistant
4. Admin Support – STAR office
B) Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. The Princess Bride
2. The Little Mermaid
3. Regarding Henry
4. The Muppets Christmas Carol
C) Four places you have lived:
1. 549 Arklow Dr, Cole Harbour, NS
2. 541 Arklow Dr, Cole Harbour, NS
3. 543 Arklow Dr, Cole Harbour, NS
4. 360 Cross Rd. Truro NS
D) Four TV television shows I watch
1. House
2. Disney’s Weekenders
3. Law and Order SVU
4. Sports centre
E ) Four places you have been on vacation:
1. PEI – All over
2. My Grandfather’s Farm
3. umm Magic Mountain
4. To the Valley...
F) Websites you visit daily:
1. Gmail
3. Google
4. My Friend’s Blogs
G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Chicken
3. Whopper!!!
4. Chocolate
H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. a beach anywhere
2. with friends
3. driving down to the valley - on the old highway
4. soaking in a hot tub...
So My Drivers Test...
I Just want to have y license. How hard can this be...
Ev'y I'd love to go Apartment hunting - but as you read, I can't get to the city.
Brannie - did you get a Camp site for Aug? Are you near Ev'y and us??
Monday, July 17, 2006
A Biggie
So we've been working on the deck for a few weeks now, and it’s actually a deck now. Well we are missing the railings and the platform for my laundry basket and then the clothes lone moved... but it’s mostly a deck.. and I’m very proud.
So here are the pics I promised... (too see the whole set... check out my picture site...)
Tidal Impact
TI was very cool this year, but very, very tiring. I’m sure I got less then 15 hours of sleep the entire week. There were 11 youth from Immanuel and 25 from Allison Baptist church in Moncton. I can’ really think of anything that really stood out. The bus rides were great, and brought me back to when I would do youth events... as a youth not a leader. We went to Halifax almost every night, which was fun we had a speaker, Fred Lynch, he was super funny – every night but Friday... I don’t know what happened, but Friday he must have lost his groove.... Sigh...
Ev’y’s Birthday
This past Saturday was my beloved Ev’y’s birthday. She turned the big 23. Sigh she’s growing up. It was good to see her, and her mom and Holly and Justin. Justin and Holly had to leave right after cake, but it was still good to see them.
Driver’s Test
And tomorrow I go for my second road test. I hope that it goes well. I know that I must use my emergency brake EVERY time I park... not just in an Emergency. Yeesh – Pray for me!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tidal Impact
I'm almost drained.. so tired.. 16 hour days... will have pics and posts later....
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Oh and having the entire family over for a few days...
I was tired before the youth got here...
I did night watch with Micah...
I'm so very Tired..
So Sleepy....
So very sleepy...
Saturday, July 1, 2006
IF you read this - Please take a moment and say a prayer...
I got an email, and forwarded it to probably most of you, but I wanted to post so that anyone who could, would say a prayer....
Francis LeBlanc was a student that graduated from ABU a year ago with aReligiousStudies degree and he has been studying chemistry at UNB for the pastyear and doing very well.
Thursday night he was on his way to PEI. He stopped in to Moncton tovisit with somefriends he somehow ended up getting beaten up on the street earlyFriday morning. Francis is in critical condition with a fractured skull, bleeding in his brain and his brainis swelling. He is not conscious.
Please say a prayer...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
June something or other...
This week is going to be a busy week for us, we have a lot of work to do on the backyard, all prep for the patio. I can't wait to have a place to just sit outside and baskin the sunlight, to sun tan, and to one day have patio furniture so that I can entertain. We have to finish tearing up some of the lawn, leveling out the land, and spreading out crushed rock/old concrete... then on Saturday the men can begin building.
Thrusday Mom and Dad Skafte are coming up, with Steve in tow. On Friday morning Steve and Dad S. will be heading up to Moncton to get Janet and all her things... to move down here to good Ol' Truro. I think that most of the moving will be done Friday, Saturday is patio day... and Sunday we rest. On sunday afternoon Mom and Dad McGuire are coming up to Truro. sunday afternoon will be a BBQ at our place. Monday will be the finishing up day for the Patio - and hopefully the putting up of Siding.... sigh so much to do and only so much time.
Oh Thrusday David and I have Dentist appointments... yikes, I'm not really a big dentist fan... but I'll brave it and go find out if it'll cost us less than 2 grand or not, to fix our teeth... yeesh!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
updating for updating's sake
tonight I'm making mayonase and dill smoothered salmon, garlic mashed potatoes and steamed veggies.
We are adding a patio to the house, and we are coming along very well. by July 3rd we'll have it up and running - well standing... I've been taking Photos to document it and when it's all said and done i'll upload them.
umm i think that's it for my life right now...
umm yeah so everyone else - Friggin' update eh!?!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Our FIRST Anniversary
David and I went to Moncton to Château Moncton. It was great. This is where we stayed our first night of our honeymoon. Sigh I thought he might book us a night there. It was great. We love the complimentary breakfast. It is one of the better, if not the best we've seen.
We went to East Side Marios fordinnerr, I had the Tettrazinni, and David the Steak. It was so very delicious... We love eating there. Sigh I just love food....Ahaa...Sighh.
We saw Janet and Garret and stopped by to see Brandy and Ryan (only Ryan was home, oh with Hailey) (sorry we missed you Brannie)
The Fairholm Inn was built in 1839 - it is beautiful, and has such a historic feel. Everything is wonderful, the curtians, the colours, the beds, the dinning room, the cultery, the silver.. sigh. perfect. The room is so great. There is an Island made brick archway, queen-sized bed, 2-person tub, sitting area, fireplace, it was lovely!
For our Saturday Night dinner, we went out to a beautiful Inn /Restaurant - the Dundee Arms Inn. It was quite remarkable. As part of our Romance Package we had a voucher for a fabulous meal....Soo we ordered,
- Lobster & Scallops Seafood Cakes!! Pan seared seafood cakes garnished with fresh garden greens and a chive cream fraiche - They were probably the best part of the meal, the lobster was tender the scallops wereabsolutelyy "to die for"
- Peppered Beef Tenderloin! The best Island 8 oz tenderloin, pan roasted and served with a rich brandy and cracked peppercorn sauce. David enjoyed this so much, I even got to steal some bites, sigh it better be this good for $30.
- Green Olive Chicken, so yummy. Onion, spinach and feta stuffed chicken breast crusted with panko and topped with a green olive with wine cream. This was my dish, it was very tasty. David also liked it. I think that I preferred the beef, but the chicken was great. We thought about getting a fish dish but since later on today we will be heading to the fisherman's wharf (all you can eat buffet and Lobster dinner) we thought maybe not tonight!!
- Dessert was - 9 Nut (pecan plus) pie, and Chocolate Cheesecake .Both yummy, but not as yummy as the seafood cakes...Sighh... I love Lobster!!
So now it is off to the beach and lobster - woot woot woot.
oh! I nearly forgot . David bought me the thrid part of my ring... it's beautiful....
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Failing my Drivers Road Test...
sigh I get to go again.
I'm also FINISHED for the Summer!!!
Oh and I got Ruthie's Invite to her Wedding - it's beautiful.!!
Saturday, June 3, 2006
Thinking of my Childhood
Edit - Teddy Ruxpin - how could I forget gimmic and grubby
Alvin and the Chipmunks

Gummie Bears
Care Bears
Rainbow Bright
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
Whinnie the Pooh
Fraggle Rock
Strawberry Shortcake
Inspector Gadget
Pound Puppies

Duck Tales
Garfield and friends
G.I. Joe (and knowing is half the battle)
The Raccons
The Young Hercules (you had to be up at 6:00 am to catch this gem)
The Ewoks
My Little Pony Tales, and My Little Pony and Friends
Bionic Six
TMNT (do I need to explain? Really though?)
Curious George
She-ra Princess of Power
The Tick
Muppet babies (and the original, The Muppets)
** how could I forget ASTRO BOY ** yeesh
Can anyone else think of any other great 80s Early 90s cartoons I might have missed?
There were movies... but that is another list for another day... (the last unicorn.. and to quote Grace "put a shirt on ya tree")
What to Update about - -
Summer here I come!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
So you think you can Dance?
so you see, she stared.... and stared.... and stared. it was jsut werid, she was supposed to be fun and exciting - not so much... I'm am however becoming a fan of breakdancing, maybe more so an admirer, but I'm still liking what I see. I think the group 'the six step' guys, well woot much!
I can't wait for tomorrow night!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
To Moncton I Went....
Oh Friday David and I drove up to Moncton and meet up with Brandy and Ryan. Sigh I missed them. I miss a lot of people, but just being in the same space as Brannie - eased part of my heart.
Friday night we went out and picked up a few movies - Hoodwinked - not so much... we did enjoy Isolde and Tistan - or vis versa. It was a good movie, jsut enough action just enough love! Saturday we got up early and went YARD SALEING !! Lovin' my life! David and I picked up a few things. There weren't many sales... we were very disappointed. but it was fun just not as fun as it could have been.
Saturday afternoon was spent lazing around and Saturday night we went to see Janet and Garrett. it was a short visit, as I was very tired, but a nice one. They are doing well and at the were contemplating moving to Truro... more to come....
Sunday we got up and headed to church. it was Memorial Cup Sunday at Hillside Baptist Church. David was so excited. He met Ryan Walters, got an autograph and held a Stanely Cup ring....ohhh ahhhh - I didn't really get it... meh.
Sunday afternoon Brandy and us went to Pizza delight for lunch - yummy buffet. There was much food, much love, much fun. Hailey is very cute covered in pizza sauce. Sunday night we met up with Sunshine and Melody, my cousins. We had a late dinner, and then coffee and Timmy's. Ahh the high-jinx of youngsters... cards and coffee.
Monday morning we picked up Janet for Brunch, and it turns out that they ARE moving to Truro - we are looking out for an apartment for them. we ate some good eats and then dropped Jan off at home. Immediately we headed to Grandma's house... to visit and play a quick game of sequence. Grammpie is getting so old, and shaky, and he's losing something, that thing that made him my big strong grammpie... I hate it and I can't do anything about it.... ok ok I'm not going to get into this not now, it tends to make me cry... moving on.
We traveled home in the rain and arrived in Truro mid afternoon...
Ahh a good trip.
Monday, May 15, 2006
FOREST FIRE - I think so....

So just behind my house - about a KM off, there was a major forest fire... it was crazy I took a few pictures and when I get them I'll post them... for now i'll post what I can find from the News sites.
We were the last house that was put on Volunteer Evacuation... meaning if the wind changes get out and take what you can with you... but for now you're ok. It wasn't really scary - but it was at the same time.. anyways - the fire died out a little, we are safe the house is safe and in the end it added a little excitement to the day!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Ahh life - and it's been too long...
We have a house, as you all know, or at least most of you know, and the last week of April we moved into our home. The first week of May was spent unpacking most of what we had just so recently packed. It's great having a house, a home. I love that it's mine... well our's... but you know what I mean. If i want a pink kitchen, or an oragne pokadot living room i can so that... heck If I want to change my living room into an insect sanctuary.... I can, could, might. :D
It's great, and it's a nice size, all our stuff fits in it and nothing is cramped. I want to paint the livingroom a mushroom color. It will match with our hearth and our furniture, so for now that's the color we'll use. We might paitn it another color later. Who knows, how cares.... Cause we own it we could change it every three days if we wanted to.
My parents came up for a few days and and helped with unpacking, and they came really for Jenny's graduation, but I'll pretend that we were the main reason. they came up and helped a lot. And EV'Y canme up too. She was on here way by from an interview.
We went Yardsale-ing. It's great to get up early, plan the route, and head out with a big vehical. I found a ton of things and all for a $1.00 I love it! we got a tone of things, Ev'y was most pround of her apple green tupperware. I, I got a bread maker. Momma purchased, something... I think, I can't remember - oh apple green tupperware measuring spoons and measuring cups... which she happily gave to Evelyn for her collection.
It was a good week. so was the Next one... so now i'm up to this weekend.
This past weekend was Spring forth. It was a good time. the youth were mostly well behaved. a few of our girls and a few of the boys snuck out of the hotel (the windows) AGRH!! but that was the worst part of it. I didn't get any sleep.. I just couldn't fall asleep. I was so tried. I had a great time, and I think that the youth really enjoyed it too!
We got back home Saturday at 6:30. and by 7:30 I was a sleep, and I slept till 8:30 !! It was great! I love sleeping more than 12 hours!!
Well I should go clean - - Berinda and Jamie with Daneila are coming over!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
April 29th
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID - Today my hubby was born, well not today, but on this day 24 years ago... turned 24 today, and for the next 4 and a half months we'll be 24 together... Sigh swoon.
Happy be-lated birthday to Ruthie (Whom I saw yesterday. What a wonderful visit, however brief it was.) Also it is Nikki's (from ABU) (I don't know if she reads this or not... But some of you who do might like to know) birthday - - (there are a lot of parentheses in this paragraph)
Today we finished moving into the house... it took a lot! It took a long time... I'm sore, I'm tired and if I had the energy I'd be super excited. I'm excited, don't get me wrong, but once I'm rested I'll be all gitty and girly over my new house. Then I can get depressed at how many boxes I have to unpack.
Dad and Mom Skafte came up to help move - -THANK YOU - - with Stephen and Jamie, thanks guys. Berinda came up with them but did't come see the house.
Gotta go finish the moving of Furniture... I didn't unload the vehicles.... so I have to re-arrange the bookcases and chairs...
Monday, April 24, 2006
We have a House
We got the Keys this Morning!
The moving begins - and it'll go all week. oh Joy.
i'm so excited... woot woot
Monday, April 17, 2006
Easter Weekend
I spent the weekend with David's Family. Friday we arrived, had a big meal with the Medicrafts(Dad Skafte's Sister's family). There were a few people there. Saturday we lazy-ed around, went for a walk on the shore and then went out to eat at The End of the Line Pub. It was yummy. Sunday was church as usual. about 12:30 David and I went to have lunch with Keezer (yup Chris, he's in Bridgetown for work), at Timmy's. It was good to catch up. Sunday evening we headed into Wolfville to stay with Momma and Dad. It was great. we got to sit and talk, sleep, wake up in the midle of the night coughing, and then get up and Play Nintendo... Super Nintendo... All Stars - Mario 3 it was awesome!!!!!!!!! It made me miss Sims with Brannie..sigh
and then we left to come home - pack a few boxes, and then sit here and update. I have to get some things ready for School... so this is all I got for now.
Sunday, April 9, 2006
I know, it's been a while....
It was a week that seemed like everything that could go wrong did - and yet it wasn't a bad week...
Work went by fast, however I had a migrain for the frits three days of my four day week... ever had a migrain with 17 kindergarteners? no, well you don't want to try that. Trust me. so work went by, and it was ok. There are only 40.5 days of school left. That is very exciting. I met with the Principal and as far as I know, I'll be working there next year as well. So far the guesstimation is 12 kids.. wouldn't that be sweet. Just 12 kids. I can imagine how much focus I could give every one of them. I mean I know that 17 isn't bad, but 12 would be fab. On Friday we had an inservice, but instead of giving us the day to do our marking, and report cards, we had a seminar. I got to leave a bit earlier to go take my drivers test...
As for my driving test, well Friday afternoon arrived, and I was freaking out - breathing shallow, trying not to lose it in the middle of my seminar. I got home puked a few times, I lost it, and cried my eyes out. I have severe stage fright / performance anxiety.... so this test was just everything I didn't want to have to take. so I pull myself together. I'm a little less freaked out, and off I go. Well I get to the DMV and wouldn't you know... the brake light is out... yup all that for nothing. and the BEST part... in a few weeks when ever I can find the time (while i'm working) to go and take the test again I get to go through all that MESS again, all that stress, anxiety... yeesh.
Once home I get packed up because David and I are helping out with the youth in the 24hr Black out... 24 hours without electricity. 14 youth and nothing to eat but rice, and oatmeal... yummy. it was ok they didn't really complain and we got a few hours of sleep. I think the worst thing was that I was damp the entire 24 hours. we got home Saturday at 6:00 ish.... We went to a leaders house for a de-briefing and ice cream... woot. then we went home I was in bed at 9:45 pm...
Well today I woke up at 4:30 am... with the biggest migrain, I took 8 extra strength tylenol and headed back to bed. I was thinking that maybe by 8 the head ache would be gone.. GUESS AGAIN... it was worse, I just woke up and cried. I am still dealing with the mirgrain after 2 heavy duty pain killers... frig it sucks to be me...
but on a good note... tomorrow I work another 4 day week. woot
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wow, I feel so disconnected....
Sunday - Well woot woot I was at the Wide Eyed and Mystified tour. downhere and the silent.
great bands - I am so very in love with DownHere... well not the musicians but with the music. it was a fabulous night. There was such energy, and I got to really get to talk with JT the Drummer and his wife Erin.... they are such a great couple. BAck to the concert. there were about 150-200 people there; ranging in age from 10 to 75. the feeling was amazing.
Monday - I was dreading my day at work. I was preparing for my evaluation... so I stressed out all day, nothing seemed to go well for me monday.
Tuesday - Well the evaluator was in - and things went like they go everyday. I was just so nervous, so blah. but in the end he said I was a great teacher. That just made me feel great... sigh... but I still lhad a sort of bad day - - - One of my other co-workers didn't have a a good review. the frustrating part was the fact that the evaluator was fickle in hie critisims and told some people one thing and told others the exact opposite... "you tell the children to 'sit down'...too harsh you tell the children to 'sit down'... not harsh enough. It's frustrating... Someone so argh.
Wednesday - the day went by - and surprise it's friday.
David is workign tomorrow and I have a few errands to run... it should be a pretty average weekend.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Today and Tomorrow, and Lets throw in Yesterday
yesterday and today David and I were in the mall... I know the mall twie in two days... yeesh - - but moving on... there were a pair of, what looked like mere 8 year olds, dressed in, how do you say - SCANK-a -Licious attire. These are what we call
I've said it before and now it's in print... can you believe tha tmothers are letting the daughters wear clothes that are indistinguishable fromt hookers... it's harder to tell the teeny-boppers from the working girls.
it makes me scared to think of the world and pressures and image issues my (possible) daughters will face... I"m terrified. How do I express the idea of modesty if the world is eracign it from their dictionary...
Anyways moving on...
I'm at Mikes house - he turned 23 today - Sigh... h'e s growing up - right in frnt of my eyes... sigh...
Friday, March 17, 2006
Friday... the last real day of March Break...
I got to see Ruthie, Woot - I missed, and still miss her
I got to spend some real time with David, and soon with his Parents this weekend.
I got to hang out with my Girl and her little girl Shaun and Sophia... Loving it!
Man it's crazy, I just can't wait for school to begin... well not really 'can't wait' but i'm excited. I miss it - I miss having things to do. I wouldn't mind being a little more prepared... and I have an evaluation... i'm so very nervous... sigh...
what ever.
... ciao
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
March break... Is almost OVER...
I still have to get a ton of things done, the smallest is packing - so you can see how much there is to do...
well I know it's not much of a post... but come on it's March Break
Monday, March 13, 2006
Happy Birthday Dear Lil' Sis'
Happy Birthday to Janet ,
Haaappppyyyy Biiirrrttthhhhddddaaayyyyy to you,
Happy Birthday to Janet .
and Mannnny Mooooorreee
Love ya Sis.
Ahhh It's March break
I never realized how complicated Kindergarten was...
so in the news this week..., My brothers Store (the one he manages, Unoffically) burned to the ground... a kitchen fire in the apartments above and behind the store caught on fire. Mike and Keith the Owner, got 80% of the stores inventory and the files etc. out with the help of some LAN guys (dont' ask its very very very geeky). they moved all the stuff to a location that the store had rented for the weekend (TOTALLY A GOD MOMENT). We stopped by Saturday night and tried to help out with what ever we could. There wasn't much, but we stopped by Sunday. Yesterday (sun.) David and I, Steve Mike's friend, and Mike, put the store back together in it's new location. I'm a little upset because Keith, although under a ton of stress, didn't really help much, at all.... We worked hard and Micah showed up and helped out too. in an afternoon we had the shop almost ready to open. Things were on the way to reopening. The big thing was waiting on the phone.
Well hopfully the store will be opened Tue.
So this weekend Mom and Dad Skafte are coming up - it'll be so Good to see them. I truly love seeing them and talking with them. However it does make me miss my Momma and Dad... sigh. They are on thy're way to Moncton to see Janet, and depending on when they are heading home maybe David and I can catch a ride to see Jan too... Sigh..... i miss her too...
Well that is it for now... nothign else new...
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
House Update
There are things that will need to be done... nothing serious - - and things that we were going to change anyways, but we do have a few things that will need more than a quick fix...
Windows and siding that need a little fixing or repalcing, and piping that need to be re-routed... stuff that we can't really do ourselves. The piping need to go around some things and get to where it needs to go. There is an oil tank and oil furnace that are used to heat the garage.. and we don't want them - cost and mess and insurance will freak out.... so we need to get rid of it. This means that we need to remove it and 'tidy up' and 'fix' the removal... also there is a vent that we can't find so we need to get a plumber to come scan and search for us... woot... not so much...
It's going to cost us some... and we are going to try to do as much as we possibly can ourselves. I think that it will be TOTALLY worth it - I love the house. So we just gotta talk tot he home owners and see if there is anything we can work on together... if that is even possible.
Oh a brighter note... not so much... I'm fighting this freakin' cold. Only it's moving to my Chest... yuck much..
Sunday, March 5, 2006
House, House, House, House
they countered
We offered agian, and included appliances
They countered and added some more stuff
We are getting a house... WOOT
360 Cross Rd.
Everything becomes offical March 16th
Closing Date is April 24th
Moving in the last week of April
hopefully having a house party first weekend in May...
I'm so exciting!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 3, 2006
We did it...
We called the Real Estate agent... Jane. She is fab., she is bubbly and wonderful. It's nice to have a nice person help you. She's great because she's getting us all the info we could possibly want, and the info we wouldn't have thought of. We Called her, met with her, and made an Offer.
Like I said, it's out of town, and it's four bedroom, and it's cute, and David really really likes it. We will find out by 9 pm if they accepted, or rejected, or even countered our offer. It's exciting and stressful. I just can't wait for an anwser... sigh...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006
It's out of town, in a snow storm it takes 12 min. to get to town. I'm a little saddened, mostly because of the distance we'd need to drive in and how often we'd be driving in.... of course we are far from the noise, traffic, and it's got a friggin great yard.
Besides that I feel so gross. I'm getting sick again. I'm just feeling kinda blah in a dripping snotty sorta way. I'm still able to function and at some points in the day i don't think about how full my face feels or how sore my throat is.... Ok I'm done no more complaining. David, i think, thinks i complain too much... which is probably true, I guess i'm in the habit. I am trying to stop.... Sigh...
School is going well - except that EVERYONE is sick... Two teachers were out today and we didn't have enough substitutes.... there are a bunch of kids out from every class... here and there and some on some days.... and others on other days... one kid was in the Hospital.... but besides kids puking, greeny yellow stuff comeing out of a few face holes and the stomach aches, the fevers, the headaches.... it's al worth it to help teach young minds..... or is it?? gross much.
Sigh... Tomorrow a mircale coudl happen mabye a snow storm, or power outage... then we'd all get a penalty free Rest day..... sigh a girl can dream, along with every 'sorta' sick teacher at CCA...
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Now I'm just sitting here.
It's not so bad, but I really wish I could be a few other places...
-With David at the rink - watching him play the sport that means so much to him. It's werid that I have never seen him play. ever. It's somethign that I've wanted to do but it's never come up... it's never really been talked about. I know it's a passion of his, but the oportunity has never come up.
-In Moncton with my girls. All the girls I've been mising and they are all together, together talking, reminicing, laughing, and I'm just sitting here.
-With Momma, just talking about life, her's, mine. Just talking with Momma.
Work is going well, it's a bit easier now that I'm getting into the swing of things. I'm falling into a routine, but routine means that I'm getting a little bored. Somedays I love what I do, I can't wait to get to School, see the kids, teach new thoughts, ideas... somedays, well, I just think what on earth could make the day good, go smoothly, go fast so i can come home and think about anything else. I think I'm going to be doing this for another year... mostly because they aren't saying that they won't have me back, but a little bit because I don't have any back-up jobs just in-case I don't want to continue.
Life is going well, the house serching is still going on - we aren't in a hurry, and Janet we are NOT, I reapeat, NOT pregnant. We are just looking to find a place that is ours, that we can work with, grow in and one day Start a family (one day, not this day, not any day, anytime soon). There have been a few that popped up but after much talking, and praying we think thet best thing to do is wait jsut a little longer, a few more months... that way we have a (surprisingly) large dent in the Student Loans... and a bit more for down payment the timing will be better, well the finacses anyways... since I think I could move tomorrow if God just showed us the house...
I'm feeling mentall worn down i think, jsut the last couple of days, like i wish teh world would stop spinning out of control. ... i'll get over it - - -- I always do....
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Just for a Visit....
I didn't get to see her when she flew in -
but I hope to see her a LOT!!! and SOON!!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Ahhh, Another Snow Day
A good sleep in is one of those things you never really appreciate until it's just about over. Just as you’re about to get out of bed everything is perfectly perfect and you just wish for a few more minutes to stay in bed. There are a few requirements needed for a great sleep in. Most importantly are the right blankets and PJs. You have to be swimming in ‘comfy’. The lighting in the room should be dim, almost non-existent; just enough so that if your eyes open by complete accident... you can still roll over and go back to sleep.
It starts with blankets, just enough so that you are toasty, not sweating... who likes to wake up sweaty... gross. Ok so the temperature is set as a comfy level, and you are sleeping comfortably. I personally like to have my puff (comforter, but it’s puffy so I call it a puff) all bunched up around my chest and neck. Not suffocating me but blocking out all areas that cold could try to come in. I’m also a big fan of pillows, one or two behind my head, one I can hug, and a few to prop my feet up with, the feet pillows are optional.
Sigh! A good sleep in is something that everyday should start with. ok now that that is over we can move onto other more important things. David and I are seriously looking into buying a house... I’d like it to be the sooner the better.

So If anyone out there has a house that they want to sell us pretty cheap- - just let me know!!
Ev'y's Coming in 7 days!!!! YEAH oh man!! I can't Wait
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Thursday, February 2, 2006
And Again
One more day off work! I love it! Does that mean I'm lazy?
Hmmm... maybe, but i think i'll get over it.
Today I can continue to do the Laundry and Chores. Hopefully I'll be able to get living room boxes organized and put them away... and change the bookcases around, and put other things in the spaces that the books once took up.
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
1) I don't have to work
2) I can sleep in - more about the no work, but the snow is the percipitaing factor..aha
3) The snow is so pretty. I love the snow.
Today I'm going to try to get a few things done around the house, and if the wind ever dies down walk into the school and get my classroom organized. We'll see how the day goes.
I can't wait for Feb. well it is Feb. but I mean I can't wait for all the things going on in Feb. First it will be my first Valentine's Day as a Wife... and the weekend of the 10th we are heading to Moncton to visit... oh Brannie and Holly can we borrow some floor, or a tiny single bed... what ever you got we'll take!! and then Ev'y come's home for a visit!!! AND I CAN"T WAIT.. I crave her! Ev'y - it's not fun joking about not seeing me in truro... It's not funny at all.
Well I should get going on the errands and what not.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Time to Update...
Work is going so GREAT - some days it's tiring but most days it's very much a great time. The kids are so great, they are still working on the listening and the not Shouting out in class...but hopefully that will come soon.
Life in general is going well. David and I are still loving this married thing. i think a lot more people should try this.
You know I miss people, I think right now that is what i'm feeling, I miss Ev'y and Brannie and Holly and Emmie... Heck I miss most of my girls... I just would love to see them, to hang out - to just go and sit with them and maybe eat, and talk, cry, laugh... etc...
Well It's nothing fab... but it's an update
Friday, January 13, 2006
I could hear the Birds chrip...
sigh a Girl can dream...
Thursday, January 5, 2006
Owww My Shoulder Hurts... But I'm still so very HAPPY
Ruthie got engaged, and then about two days later Leanne got engaged ... tis the season of engagement. I just can't believe how happy this makes me. They are such great friends I love to see them Happy.
My Shoulder
I awake at 3:30 this morning in EXTREME pain. So much that after an hour of crying David tells me we are heading to the Hospital.
So how did this happen - let me tell you, I wish I knew...
Two days ago I awake to a slightly sore shoulder, and I figure heck I slept on it funny and might have pulled the muscle. I then head to school, slip and fall a little - not a large fall just a slip - and think 'hmmm that tingles.. how about taking some tylenol..." that will help. So through out yesterday I'm taking an average dose of tylenol. After all isn't that what over the counter pain medication is for. Well during the day I did a few things that could have aggrivated my shouldblade/back. Let's see... Played with the kids in my class, played a few games of Ping-Pong, moved some stuff around the apratment, reached up for stuff that was too heavy to lift, and too high to really get a grip with... sigh... So my back really hurts by about bed time and I think "hmm this still really hurts." Of couse I take a few more tylenol to get to sleep... I know it seeems like I'm a pill pusher... I'm not I promise. Of course what happenes next is pretty normal... when you go to bed, usually sleep follows... and this time it did. No big surprise.
Until 3:30am. it's like an alarm went off in my shoulder-blade. it hurt and it hurt a lot. so off to the hospital. I was seen by a doctor who madae me twist my arm, and move my shoulder, and made me cry. It was very painful. We (well, he with my help) figured i had strained my back muscle, the really big thin one, and then in one of my simple movements I tore it. Exciting.
I'm off work for 2 days. Not really because of the injury but because I'm on serious pain killers. I'm tired and I can't really focus on anything, and I'm not really sure if what I think is going on is going on. It's like I'm dreaming... in a fog... and just out of it.
But in the end - WOOT for Love...