Saturday, March 25, 2006

Today and Tomorrow, and Lets throw in Yesterday

OK Ok - I'm tired of this...

yesterday and today David and I were in the mall... I know the mall twie in two days... yeesh - - but moving on... there were a pair of, what looked like mere 8 year olds, dressed in, how do you say - SCANK-a -Licious attire. These are what we call


I've said it before and now it's in print... can you believe tha tmothers are letting the daughters wear clothes that are indistinguishable fromt hookers... it's harder to tell the teeny-boppers from the working girls.



it makes me scared to think of the world and pressures and image issues my (possible) daughters will face... I"m terrified. How do I express the idea of modesty if the world is eracign it from their dictionary...

Anyways moving on...

I'm at Mikes house - he turned 23 today - Sigh... h'e s growing up - right in frnt of my eyes... sigh...


  1. I was at the mall yesterday too, and I seen the exact same thing...3 girls, probably around 10 years old...dressed totally like prosti-tots. Its disturbing...and its not like they even had boobs yet either...which I guess would have been worse, considering the clothing they were wearing.

    Say Happy Belated B-day to Mike for me.
    At least he's growing up right in front of your eyes, and not behind your back...cause that would really freak you out if one day he tells you he's like 32 and you had no idea.

  2. I get so worried when I see young girls today; I wonder how much worse it will be when my little girl gets to be that age. I hope that I can teach her that it is definately not o.k. to look like that.
    I don't understand how a mother could allow her daughter to look like that. It raises all sorts of issues of self-image, giving into peer pressure, not to mention attracting the wrong kind of attention from scary, crusty pedophiles....

    sometimes the world is so disgusting that I think it would make a lot more sense to move somewhere secluded and farm.

    But then that gets all "The Village" freaky....

  3. I MISS YOU!!!! As for those girls... Some of their mother's dress them in that stuff, and then dress themselves with even less! It's a shame though. Super bad message to be teaching your child.

    I MISS YOU!!!
