Monday, November 6, 2006

I'm so busy...

AHHHH When does life slow down? What is the saying... when you're dead... Sigh...

Saturday I went to Halifax to go shopping with a friend from work... and we saw STEVE MU
RPHY (CTV news anchor) at McDonalds. In fact he almost tipped my tray...sigh... swoon.

Sunday I had a meeting at the church... and then there was getting ready for the week...

Today was the longest day of my life... work was just long and when you have a cold it's super long... and then the hour and a half of grocery shopping SUCKS...

but tonight we are heading out to game night at the linkletters...
I'm such a nerd.


  1. Steve Murphy?
    I've got you one up on that, because he took the same plane as me to Washington D.C. back in May 2005. Never talked to him or anything, of course.

  2. so you were on a plane with him...

    he nearly killed me and my Mcd's fast food... sigh
