Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Hockey's Back...

Ahh the time of year where my marital status is...

Hockey Widow

Sigh.. at least I'll have some time to do some Scrapbooking!!



  1. Hi Shannon, I apologize that I am only now tuning into your blog :( Sorry to hear of your recent hockey-induced abondonment. I'm just a mediocre hockey fan myself, but I tell you I'm missing it over here! It's like some weird part of the Canadian soul that you only realize exists once your hockey-access is cut off. Or maybe I'm crazy....yup, probably crazy. Toodles!

  2. Thank you for stopping by...
    And It's not that I hate hockey, It's just that I do not love it AS MUCH AS David...

    I can understand the hockey part of being Canadian. If I didn't have it around I might miss it... might.

  3. Martin and I love hockey.
