Saturday, July 1, 2006

IF you read this - Please take a moment and say a prayer...

Most of you who rad this know Frannie - from ABU...

I got an email, and forwarded it to probably most of you, but I wanted to post so that anyone who could, would say a prayer....

Francis LeBlanc was a student that graduated from ABU a year ago with aReligiousStudies degree and he has been studying chemistry at UNB for the pastyear and doing very well.

Thursday night he was on his way to PEI. He stopped in to Moncton tovisit with somefriends he somehow ended up getting beaten up on the street earlyFriday morning. Francis is in critical condition with a fractured skull, bleeding in his brain and his brainis swelling. He is not conscious.

Please say a prayer...


  1. Hey Shan,
    Frig...that's so not cool. I will definately be keeping him in my prayers. Keep me posted on anything you hear. How are you doing Shan-how are ya holding up? I love you and miss you tons.

    Love And Prayers,

  2. I believe he has been talking a little bit and also walking around a bit, so is a bit better, although has a long road ahead, it looks like he could mostly recover. This is the latest I have heard.
