Thursday, February 23, 2006


I'm just sitting here at what was supposed to be a meeting, but it got rescheduled.

Now I'm just sitting here.

It's not so bad, but I really wish I could be a few other places...
-With David at the rink - watching him play the sport that means so much to him. It's werid that I have never seen him play. ever. It's somethign that I've wanted to do but it's never come up... it's never really been talked about. I know it's a passion of his, but the oportunity has never come up.

-In Moncton with my girls. All the girls I've been mising and they are all together, together talking, reminicing, laughing, and I'm just sitting here.
-With Momma, just talking about life, her's, mine. Just talking with Momma.

Work is going well, it's a bit easier now that I'm getting into the swing of things. I'm falling into a routine, but routine means that I'm getting a little bored. Somedays I love what I do, I can't wait to get to School, see the kids, teach new thoughts, ideas... somedays, well, I just think what on earth could make the day good, go smoothly, go fast so i can come home and think about anything else. I think I'm going to be doing this for another year... mostly because they aren't saying that they won't have me back, but a little bit because I don't have any back-up jobs just in-case I don't want to continue.

Life is going well, the house serching is still going on - we aren't in a hurry, and Janet we are NOT, I reapeat, NOT pregnant. We are just looking to find a place that is ours, that we can work with, grow in and one day Start a family (one day, not this day, not any day, anytime soon). There have been a few that popped up but after much talking, and praying we think thet best thing to do is wait jsut a little longer, a few more months... that way we have a (surprisingly) large dent in the Student Loans... and a bit more for down payment the timing will be better, well the finacses anyways... since I think I could move tomorrow if God just showed us the house...

I'm feeling mentall worn down i think, jsut the last couple of days, like i wish teh world would stop spinning out of control. ... i'll get over it - - -- I always do....


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about routine.
    Now I'm working full time, 10-12 hours a day... I don't have time to be bored, though. :)
