I watched the movie, Expelled: No intelligence Allowed a while ago, and it was really eye opening - I had no idea that according to science only CERTAIN theories should be explored, forget in depth study... I write this now because I caught the end of a TV show that was discussing similar discussions....
I was watching a TV show about religion in school, and how as Christians we Evangelize... and how that American Civil Liberties Union / Group (or something like that) want to stop all possible Christianity in schools. It was about how anyone who believes in creation, or by proxy, Intelligent Design... they are stupid, and shouldn't' have any say in any way in the educational system. After all the educational system only works on FACT - did we forget that the educational system, when dealing with the formation of the world, and specifically, evolution (the Old World Theory), are running on a THEORY themselves? Why is one better than the other... why can one group force is in school... but another is called oppressive for even attempting to look into the theory.
I guess the Christians are to be offended, but not allowed to 'offend' back. I mean that as Christians we are to speak truth, in all areas of our lives... I don't think it would be healthy for a Christian school to NOT discuss all theories. I think our God is big enough to handle a discussion. I will teach my children about Intelligent design, but they will not be ignorant to the world, and their world's veiws... how else can they learn to LOVE people, even if they are different, think different... sorry I should say ESPECIALLY if they are different, and think differently.
I think all public schools should be open to discuss all theories - there is scientific evidence for both sides... evolution and Intelligent Design (which can lead to Creationism... or not... simply a Creator....)
Chickpeas, Carrots, Courgettes and Snap Peas
6 years ago
There is growing support among scientists that there is evidence of intelligent design operating in nature.
ReplyDeleteVery sorry, but that's just not true. It's virtually impossible to find any biologist anywhere in the world who invokes intelligent design to solve a scientific problem.
You need to understand "intelligent design" are code words that mean "supernatural magic". Invoking intelligent design is exactly the same as invoking a miracle. That's not doing science. It's called "preaching". Intelligent Design, also known as "God-Did-It", is a religious idea and even the most religious scientist knows it is totally inappropriate to use religious ideas (the supernatural) to scientifically explain the natural world.
In your article I noticed the word "random" being used frequently, as if there's something random about Natural Selection. But there's nothing random about natural selection for the same reason there's nothing random about artificial selection.
An example of artificial selection is when people breed cows to produce more milk, they select the best milk producing cows for reproducion.
Natural selection means that instead of people doing the selecting, nature does the selecting. The animals who have what it takes to live long enough to become parents are the animals who pass on their genes to the next generation. Unfavorable mutations disappear from the population, and favorable mutations (mutations are random) are selected by non-random natural selection. Just like in animal breeding, small changes accumulate, and over an extremely vast period of time, thousands or millions of years, new species can very gradually develop.
Molecular biologists know new species have very gradually evolved from ancient species, because they can see the history of life with their own eyes when they compare DNA sequences of different living species.
The movie you saw, staring the scientifically illiterate actor Ben Stein, was an anti-science pro-religion propaganda movie. They even invoked nazis as if fascist thugs had anything to do with modern biology. It really was a pathetic dishonest movie.
Evolution has religious implications. In my blog http://darwin-killed-god.blogspot.com/ I agree with the Christian extremists who say Christians can't accept both evolution and their religion. That's no reason to be afraid of the truth, and evolution is an established truth, supported by 150 years of accumulated evidence, evidence you probably don't even know about.
I recommend you should try to be curious and find out why virtually all biologists love evolution, and accept it completely as fact. I highly recommend this educational and extremely easy to read book: "Why Evolution is True" by Jerry Coyne who is a biologist at one of the top universities of the world, unlike Ben Stein who is an actor who apparently doesn't even know what science is.
Only the search for truth lead them to the absolute truth. His ...