Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a New Dawn, a New Day... a New Year, a New decade

Every year i say I won't do resolutions, but every year I talk about the things I want to work on... so mostly I just don't want to say I'm making resolutions, but I always do...

This year I'd like to work on the following....

-1-I want to get healthier. I'm currently working on finding some extra money in our budget to get me a Gym membership. My dear friend Robin and I would love to go together... so I just have to find 60$/month.

-2- Getting organized... I'm so close to this - I feel like just a few more rooms, just a few more things out of my house - a few more pieces of furniture (for storage).

-3- to finish a few more rooms, I really hope that we can get the Master bedroom, and the closets/ half bathroom finished by 2011...

-4- I'd like to read more, maybe start a book club, something... but I think I need to take the time and just sit down and crawl into a book.

-5- and Of course... Blog more. Actually, if I could just write anything... that would be nice...

1 comment:

  1. Finding a book club when I came to London was a great idea. I love the ladies and we chat not only about the books we read. Maybe there is already one hosted by your local library?

    Sometimes I wonder about starting a poetry club. Maybe even to write some poetry. But then I give up on this idea since I don't think I am really creative enough.

    Happy New Year. :)
