Friday, December 3, 2010

My Boy

I forgot to post this here - I had it on FaceBook but not here...

The Birth of My Miracle!
on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 11:26pm

Today is a day where I can sit, and write - It’s not going to happen a lot, and I haven't’ had the mental capacity to to and think , let alone write. Here is the Story of Matthews Birth - I warn you it might be a little TMI....But you’ll have to get over it... or don’t read it.... I was out in a hurricane, sorry, rainstorm, and then played cards with Robin, John, Crystal, and David... it was lovely..Later in the evening around eight o’clock, my tummy hurt a little. I thought I pulled muscle... so we checked it out at the hospital... what if it was a hernia.. I had a well, not a fear, maybe a worry... of hernias with this pregnancy... so off we went. off to the Colchester Regional Hospital.. oh dear...

I was a little sore, but nothing really painful. We went to the ER, they sent us upstairs and the nurse told us it was likely an irritable Uterus. What is that?? I mean who tells someone over and over that my uterus is ‘just’ Irritable. Well after a steady timing and constant pain she laid her hand on my tummy and was startled that the whole uterus was contracting - yes contractions... so she Called Dr. Clague... he came in and checked... my pain was at a 2 out of 10... and he asked us a question about somethign that can, later in pregnancy, trigger labour... We said yes, and that meant Dr Clague had to do an internal exam... Dr Clague’s next words were... “O CRAP you’re seven and half centimeters dilated - you’re having this baby tonight. Call the Trauma team... OK my dear, you have to hold on and not have this baby.... “

Oh Crap is not a word you ever want to hear a Doctor say - especially about your baby, the baby you’re not supposed to be having...
Right! We were a little shocked. No we were a LOT shocked. It was a lot to take in and process.. I remember looking at Davids face thinking - he’s really really worried, I’ve never seen him that worried - it started to worry me... and yet I wasn’t worried..

It was a God moment - I was not concerned, I was not anxious - I was not worried... I knew God had a plan, that Matthew would be OK - that I would be OK - that there was a bigger meaning for all of this.

So here I am, being moved to the labour room, without my mom, with out my suitcase (which would be packed next week, in case we ‘went’ early...) I was dressed in my PJ's, and I was just going to get a few safe-to-take painkillers, for that pulled muscle I had a few hours earlier... that didn’t work out as planned. Once in the labour room, I was commanded by Dr Clague, to simply lay there at not have this baby.

Truro was not equipped for a preemie - let alone a 8 week early preemie... and the one and only Pediatrician was away on vacation (it being labour day weekend and all). So I’m hearing this and not freaking out - the nice nurse Brita (from Ireland) reassures me that they have called a Dr who did a specialty in Peds, or neonatal stuff ( I can’t remember exactly)... I asked the name. It was Dr. Locke... Oh I love Diana... She’s a lovely lady who was my back up Dr, and friend from church.... I knew then that God was so completely over all of this.. that he had orchestrated this - for some reason, for some amazing plan... a destiny for my baby. I didn’t worry.

I was to lay still, as moving speeds contractions. I was there on the bed watching David pace as he called the parents (soon to be grandparents), Shauna, and Natasha and Lynn, for prayer - and support... Natasha and Lynn showed up and THANK the LORD, because I wasn’t really sure David and I were really ready... you see Prenatal class was 3 weeks later... aha.
David was amazing, he wasn’t sure what we were doing... but he was a great support. Natasha, had been through this before - and she and I shared a labour room before ( i was there for Alea’s birth) - was a great guide through the process. She helped me with the ‘what is to come’ stuff. and David kept me cool and collected.

But back to the birth. So I’m calmly talking and chatting, waiting for the Life Flight to show up... checking the monitor to make sure that I’m actually having Contractions - O didn’t I mention that part... that I was in almost no pain. it was like stubbing my toe - I know that sounds like I'm exaggerating, but really ask David, Natasha, Diana, Dr. Locke... It was great!

Three hours-ish later.. I’ve been sitting at about 9.5/10 cm dilated. and NOT having a baby... let me tell you how focused I was. I was thinking Closed... thinking relax, and yet stressed (so as not to relax through my contractions and into transition... ) ahh 3 hours-ish later the Flight team arrives! AMEN.

It was kinda funny. The ladies asked how long I had been on drugs, or when I got my Epidural... and when we said I wasn’t on anything.. they were shocked one exclaimed “Oh Crackers!”. it was another fun moment.

Now Dr Clague tells me OK lets have this baby. WHAT?!?! Just do it... you know most women get the whole dilation time to prepare for actually pushing a baby out. They get a full 10 months to get ready for the process... I got 3 hrs of not doing labour and then told to Flip the Switch and have a baby... this was the worst part of baby-poppy-outness...

Through out the whole evening there was so much Praying, Glory Given to God, Jesus Name declaring, Spirit filled JOY that I think I was carried through the ‘un-delivery’ and the delivery. I can’t explain how evident the Lord was in the room. Matthew was so protected. I know that this will sound so wonky to anyone who hasn’t experienced the personal side of God... but MAN it was Amazing!!!

I was warned that there could be complications. Matthew was supposed to be born not breathing, with non-functioning lungs. I was to push, but not too hard cause the Vaginal canal can sorta crush a 31 week old baby’s head... and all of this right before I was to Focus on having a baby. sigh.. not the most relaxed I felt, but I was confident that we could do this. See Matthew wasn’t supposed to be born... he wasn’t supposed to be carried to full term, he wasn’t supposed to be.. but God let it Be... and it was.

We break my water (miraculously it didn’t break before this moment), and by we, I mean Dr Clague. It was great. Dr Clague said, “it’s 1am and I’d like to be home in 20min” We all laughed and then it happened.
Un-medicated, natural, God filled Labour.

And then there was Matthew. He came out screaming! not blue, and not in distress... Dr Clague did some great steps to make sure Matthew was protected. It was a little ‘uncomfortable’ for me, but I’ll heal. the important thing is that he came out amazing, absolutely amazing...
The Life Fight team took him, after David cut the cord (I’m so glad that he could do that!) and took Matthew to stabilize him and what not. It was kinda weird - I knew he’d be OK - I saw him leave me... and then I was just there in the room waiting and waiting to get to see him again. Diana brought him to me, after David got to hold him. It was so amazing. Looking at Matthew... sigh I have no words.

Matthew was taken to the nursery and stabilized. He didn’t require a respirator, or any medication - at least I don’t remember him having any. It was still an emergency a lot could have gone wrong - but it didn’t. Matthew was taken by ambulance to Halifax, David and my mom (who finally got there, with Berinda, in time to see Matthew in the nursery) went to Halifax in the car after.... Berinda stayed with me and then we slept.

My baby was taken care of, before he was born, while I carried him, during birth, while at the hospital and I’m sure God will continue to care for him. 


  1. So it sounds as though all in all you weren't in much pain through the whole thing? Matthew's birth sounds like miracle after miracle! Amazing... thanks for writing this.

  2. Hey Sarah, No I wasn't in pain... I only hurt when I had to push three times... that's it.
    Labor was the easiest part of the whole thing.

  3. Hahahaha, Shan, I love your commentary.
    I can say though, that I hope your next baby makes it to full term so you can feel the "joys" that most of us have to go through with child birth! :P Way to show off.

    I love hearing this story and I think it brings glory to God every time you tell it!

    I am so proud of you and David!!!

    Love you!

