Thursday, February 19, 2009

Meetings and Meetings

I actually Love meetings.

I love when a group of people can come together, discuss, and collaborate towards a common goal, outcome or direction. I guess I like the meetings that actually accomplish something...

I DIS-like the meetings that go on for no reason, or people ask the same question, or worse answer a question stating the same thing that someone else said... Really if when Person A, B and Person C said it, and it didn't lead to a conclusion, why would you think it would help if you said it again?

also I'm not a big fan of the "after Meeting" meetings that happen - as we stand around getting ready to leave and people finally way what they should have said in the meeting, or worse say the opposite... really people, be honest and up front - it's how things get done.

ALL that said, I truly enjoy being part of a meeting.

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