Saturday, February 3, 2007

Going down hill

What does that mean, Grampie is going down hill...

it mean that life sucks, and I hate to lose him. The Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is winning and Grampie is losing. He;s not the same man I looked up to. and it sucks. I have never lost anyone before, and I don't' want to lose him, not now I'm not ready.

I don't even want to write anymore about it - I just don't know what I'm going to do...


  1. Awe hun...I'm sorry! I love you and am praying for you and your Grampie. Hold on to the only hand that is strong enough to keep the grasp in this very difficult time...God's.

    Lots of Love and Prayers,

  2. Hey Shannon,
    I know what you are going through and I am deeply sorry. I will remember you and your family in my prayers. Love you!

  3. Aw Shan, I love you and I will be praying for you and your family also. James gives good advice, draw close to God.

  4. Hey Shannon, I've been feeling the same way. It breaks my heart that every time I come back to New Brunswick and see him he's that much worse. Have you noticed that the only time he speaks in full sentences is when he's praying? I found that amazing. It's the only thing that comforts me: that I know when he goes, he's going to be with his Saviour who he's been walking with for so long. And I know that even though he doesn't always recognize us now, he's going to look Jesus in the face and KNOW him. Just know that when I'm praying about it at night, I'm praying for you too. Love you!

  5. hey shannonomous,

    my grampie is going downhill too... He just sits and looks out the window all day...

    it's tough :(

  6. Hey Shanny boo, it was so great to see ya even for that short visit. We both wish you could've stayed longer, we really miss you guys. Speaking of the visit, you should send me those pics! ;)
