Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Incubation Tank

I've been sitting in a small concrete room, for a few weeks, with 15 (i have a new student) small little vessels of germs, viruses and sickness... Everywhere I look is a dripping nose, a coughing mouth, a sneezing child... sending millions and millions of tiny microbes out into the atmosphere that is my classroom. And all of them aimed at me I'm sure... it's crazy, I can't shake my cold, and it's morphing into a different cold... the Kids planned this, i know it's true... they want me ill, and the mom's; I bet they think it's cute, to hear me sneeze, sniffle... it's just not fair.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Last weekend

Last weekend, even though I was suffering from Meniere's Syndrome, David and I went up to Moncton. Mostly to see Grammpie. But also to see some friends. Grammpie is doing fine, and Nanny seemed to really enjoy the visit. He's doing better than I thought, but still not well. For the first few minutes he was completely coherent, and understandable... but as the visit went on the less and less he could talk, and communicate what he wanted to say. It was tough to see, but the visit was good.

I'm glad I went to see him. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go visit, I kinda want to only think of Grammpie as this strong, tall, caring, comforting person, not as a fragile, frail man fading away.

- -

We stayed at Holly and Justin's house. it was so good to see them, and we went to the market and then out to breakfast. we got to see Brandy, only for a little while - and Melissa showed up to!! It was good to see everyone.

And now it's Thursday, and it's a snow day - only there isn't snow - it was the road conditions... I Loves it!

I'm feeling much better - I have just a few moments a day where I'm dizzy, and the sinus stuff is getting better too...

and that is all that has been going on. ...

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Going down hill

What does that mean, Grampie is going down hill...

it mean that life sucks, and I hate to lose him. The Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is winning and Grampie is losing. He;s not the same man I looked up to. and it sucks. I have never lost anyone before, and I don't' want to lose him, not now I'm not ready.

I don't even want to write anymore about it - I just don't know what I'm going to do...