As I meet people, talk with friends, and see relatives it's very interesting that at some point in the conversation, we talk about babies... this is OK with me, I've been open about everything from trying times, to the tubal pregnancy. It troubles me though, when, with out a doubt, someone, somewhere will say to me, gee... maybe you should put More Faith in God.
In that statement there are so many things that I have a problem with...
Did at some point God put a little meter on my back that reads out how much faith I have. Is there a little thermometer that reads my belief? my hopes in the things I can not see? Because the last time I checked only I and God knew how much faith I had... in fact at times when I feel lacking I'm sure only God knows how much faith I have.
What kind of things happen in life that are measuring sticks, what type of life do I live that I've done somethings that let people know I am faithful, but haven't done, accomplished, That is blocking or achieved to give the impression that I'm not faithful enough??
It has even been suggested that David and I had some sin we didn't confess, some evil in our lives that we were holding on to - that is blocking the amount of faith we have. I do understand this point of view, but if you truly knew me you'd know that at the beinging of our relationship we, David and I, had a time of pryare confession and growth - Since I've been dealing with this situation longer - I'm pretty sure I covered that aspect of my spiritual life.... But thanks for the Godly concern... ...ahem
Faith in...
this is the one that I have a lot of trouble with.. there are many facets to this, do they mean my faith is in the wrong place? that I'm not seeking God... I can see where someone would say that - David and I decided to seek medical help. Most of the relatives who know seem to think that is a way of slapping God in the face - like he's not enough.. only it's more than that. God gave us minds, and some of his creation - like Doctors - use their minds, and gifts and talents to help the physical needs of others.. I have a physical problem, and so I seek those God has gifted... I would like to remind those people that No matter how much we 'interfere' with the biological processes of reproduction - God is the only one who can allow, ensure, and even orchestrate Life... David and I believe that we are being faithful to the will of God, as he has shown us. We are doing what we can.. rather than sitting back and just saying ok God Bless us... do it now... Really with the logic above - David and I should be able to just take sex out of the equation - and God could/would/ Should bless us with a child of our own... I don't buy it.
What else do we have in God, I mean what else can we do but believe and because we believe we do... we help... we love... and My faith is not in the medical community, it's not even in my own body, desire, or dreams... I know that God will provide me a family, I believe that He will Remember his maidservant, and that David and I are placing our Faith in Him... wholly, and completely.
Maybe I'm off on my personal theology, but MY God's faithfulness isn't dependent on my faithfulness. Just like his love, and patience, kindness etc. He is who He is... If He provides a child, we will praise him, and continue to be faithful, and if not we will still praise him and be faithful.
David and I had a child, who knew only love. From the moment we knew 'he' existed we loved, and going through the the whole tubal pregnancy didn' t change our Love for God... or the baby.... and now 'he' is surrounded by God, and God is love.
We have been faithful through it all, and will continue to Worship our Lord, serve our God, and Bless His People the best way we can.
I wish more people would just say they don't know why we're not preggers yet, and that they believe God will bless us... heck, I'm OK if you think God told you he won't...(I disagree) but just say what you mean, say what you want to say - and understand that I might take what you say a little more to heart than what you mean.....
Chickpeas, Carrots, Courgettes and Snap Peas
6 years ago